Evolutionary and developmental neurophysiological substrates for gaze stabilization strategies during locomotion in vertebrates
Accurate visual information is crucial to most animals for locating food, detecting predators or mates and orienting themselves within their environment. In order to stabilize gaze and maintain visual
Genetic bases and evolutionary consequences of symbiont-driven sex determination
Les objectifs du projet sont d'élucider les bases génétiques et l'impact évolutif du déterminisme cytoplasmique du sexe dans deux systèmes hôte-endosymbiote distincts : (i) les isopodes terrestres et leurs endosymbiotes procaryotes Wolbachia, et (ii) les amphipodes d'eau douce et leurs endosymbiotes eucaryotes microsporidies.
Integrative study of convergent genomic evolution across three animal groups
The eyes of octopuses and vertebrates, the wings of birds, bats and insects, marsupial mammals of Australia and placental mammals of the old world are famous examples of convergent evolution in the hi
Sex-specific ageing in the wild
Chez la plupart des espèces de mammifères, notamment chez l’homme, les mâles montrent une sénescence plus précoce et/ou plus intense que les femelles. A ce jour, les causes évolutives de ces différences, ainsi que les conséquences démographiques, restent largement méconnues. Le projet AGEX propose de lever le voile sur ces questions via une approche intégrative.
Template acquisition pour open event extraction
Information and communication society led to the production of huge volumes of content. This content is still generally non-structured (text, images, videos) and the promises of a "Web of Knowledge" a
Beyond compressive sensing: sparse approximation algorithms for ill-condioned inverse problems
The BECOSE project aims to develop and analyze algorithms relying on<br />the concept of sparsity to address ill-posed inverse problems arising<br />in signal and image processing. These numerical tools will have key<br />impacts in several industrial sectors including environment, the<br />automotive and aeronautical industries among others.
Content Management Techniques Content Management Techniques for Fact-Checking: Models, Algorithms, and Tools
Fact-checking is the task of assessing the factual accuracy of claims, typically prior to publication. Modern fact-checking is faced with a triple revolution in terms of scale, complexity, and visibil
TAilored Nanoparticles for the selective catalytic Oxidation of POLy-alcohols
Novel catalysts and eco-efficient processes are required to use alternative feedstock such as biomass-derived poly-alcohols. Several challenges have to be faced during the development of those catalys
New biocatalyst for C-glycosylation: Tailored hydrolases to access modular C-glycoside scaffolds with industrial potential
Glycoconjugates are key molecules involved in many biological phenomena and more particularly in cellular communication and molecular recognition through their saccharidic part. Their natural occurren
Oriented supramolecular gels as a guide for neural stem cells
Oriented supramolecular gels as a guide for neural stem cells