FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2021
FLAG-ERA (the Flagship ERA-NET) gathers National and Regional Funding Organisations (NRFOs) in Europe and beyond with the goal of supporting, together with the European Commission, the FET Flagship initiatives, i.e., the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project (HBP) Flagship. One of its main aims is to set up and launch dedicated transnational calls to complement the Flagships.
Transnational Call for Projects on Nanomedicine in the context of ERA-NET EuroNanoMed III - 2021 Edition
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with 15 countries is set to launch a 12th joint transnational call for proposals through the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed (ENM) on Nanomedicine.
MESRI-BMBF German-French Joint Call For Proposals on “Artificial Intelligence”
With the Joint Declaration of Intent on “Research and Innovation Network on AI”, France and Germany have reaffirmed their will to create a common AI ecosystem in order to create new collaborative proj
Call for Proposals: RA-SIOMRI
Over the past two years, the number of accidents at industrial sites has increased by 34%. In 2018, with 1112 accidents recorded in France in the classified installations, tends to show an increasing
Call for projects Ecophyto-Maturation (edition 2021) – Operational levers for a transition towards systems change in agriculture
To achieve the objectives of the Plan Ecophyto II+, using the results of the research as support, the Ministries of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, of Agriculture and Food, of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, of Solidarities and Health, launch a second edition of the call for projects Ecophyto-Maturation.
International call on Computational Neuroscience – NEUC 2021
ANR launches in collaboration with NSF, DOE and NIH (USA), BSF (Israel) and NICT (Japan) a call for research and data sharing projects in computational neuroscience.
Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability
The French National Research Agency is pleased to announce the launch of a call for research networking proposals of the Belmont Forum on “Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability”.
Generic call - 2021
The Generic Call for Proposals 2021 (AAPG 2021) is the French National Research Agency’s (ANR) main call. It is directed towards all scientific communities and all public and private players involved in French research. It is designed to give researchers in various scientific fields access to co-funding in a large number of research themes, basic or applied, in addition to their allocated recurrent funding.
« Accelerating CCSU Technologies »
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching, in collaboration with 14 funding agencies from 12 countries, a joint call for proposals to finance R&D projects in the fields of CO2 capture, storage and use.
Joint Programming Initiative ”More Years Better Life” Call for research proposals 2020 EWG Equality and Wellbeing across Generations
Equality and Wellbeing across generations is launched by the Joint Programming Initiative "More Years Better Life" JPI MYBL) is a pan-European intergovernmental initiative gathering European countries and Canada to jointly coordinate demographic research.