Study of angiogenesis in brain-on-a-chip format
Development of an unique platforms combining human brain organoids and microfluidic organ-on-chip technologies to study angiogenesis
Ultra High Sensitive Gravi-Gradiometers
The GRADUS project aims at developing a novel type of gravity sensors based on atom interferometry, which will measure in a single device both the gravity acceleration and its gradient. These sensors
Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Na Solid-sTate battERies
The main objective of this project is to develop by the synergic effect of both experiments and theory a full Sodium All Solid-State Battery (Na-ASSB) with superior performances in order to new solutions for electrochemical energy storage devices (cheaper, safzer, ...)
Unraveling intra-pulse dynamics and fast energy transfer in silica glass - a pathway for smart processing using ultrafast lasers
A pathway for smart processing using ultrafast lasers
Life cycle inequality dynamics
Concerns about inequality and questions of social justice and cohesion have re-entered the public arena and animate public debate, provoked by the well-documented recent rapid increases in cross-secti
Quantitative real time analysis of the ERK pathway during embryogenesis
Successful embryogenesis requires the differentiation of the correct cell types, in defined numbers and in appropriate positions. In most cases, decisions taken by individual cells are instructed by s
Self-organized multifunctional multi-material structures for LED lighting
In LED devices, many photons emitted by the source are not part of the final produced light due to internal reflective effects which trap them inside the luminescent coating associate to the device. These effects can be reduced through the surface patterning of coatings. The classical patterning methods offer great performances but are expensive and not suited for a large-scale use. This is why this project aims to develop ZnO/phosphor composite structures as a low cost and green alternative.
FrEsh FooD sustainable paKaging in the cIrcular ecOnomy
Quality and shelf life of fresh food (FF: fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy) are affected by microbial contamination and insect attacks, that may be exacerbated by non-optimal logistics at post-farmi
Smart and innovative packaging, post-harvest rot management and shipping of organic citrus fruit
The overall objective of the project is to increase the efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness of the post-farming processing chain of organic citrus fruit, by intervening points of weakness a
Evaluation and development of anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) technology to promote unrestricted wastewater reuse and mitigate compromised surface water quality in the Mediterranean region
The pursuit of wide-scale unrestricted wastewater effluent reuse still faces significant challenges in its successful implementation at the local level. Energy and resource efficiency of wastewater tr