Amplifying human beta cell differentiation using small molecules
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes both result in insufficient functional pancreatic ß-cell mass. Replenishing the pancreas with new functioning ß-cells represents an innovative strategy for the treatment of
An Analytical and Material Inventory of Condorcet's Correspondence
Condorcet studies have developed markedly over the past two decades, following the bicentenaries of the French Revolution and of the death of Condorcet in 1794. This progress in research has brought t
An Embodied and Situated Prejudice Reduction Intervention Tool
Europe and France have been shaken by a major social crisis provoking divisions and conflicts within populations in a context of repeated terrorist attacks as well as an unprecedented migrant wave. In
An in vivo click strategy to overcome Circulation/Excretion dilemma in NanoMedicines
Nanoparticles hold great promise for many applications ranging from in vitro diagnostic assays to in vivo imaging and drug delivery. The development of metallic, fluorescent, or contrast imaging nanop
An integrative approach of ribosome biogenesis mechanisms in human cells
The ribosome is arguably one of the most ancient molecular machines given its universal function in protein synthesis. While its overall structure is remarkably conserved across the three kingdoms of
An unexpected link between mitochondrial dynamics and the mevalonate pathway: a new pathophysiological mechanism in mitochondrial disease
Mitochondria hold a central role in cell metabolism as they produce the bulk part of the energy currency ATP through the oxidative phosphorylation system. Beside their role in energy transduction, mit
Analyse of sustainibility and reorganisation of Arabian coastal Neolithic socio-ecological systems during the mid-Holocene period (6.2-2.8 Ka BCE)
NeoArabia is an interdisciplinary and multi-scalar project, dealing with the very long term of the Arabian Neolithic (6200-2800 BC). Focused on environments and the mobility of coastal human communiti
Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Water Ecosystems in Response to anthropogenic environmental changes
ANSWER is a French-Chinese collaborative project which focuses on the modelling and the simulation of eutrophic lake ecosystems to study the impact of anthropogenic environmental changes on the prolif
Analysis of the genetic basis of symbiotic partner choice for improving symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea
GRaSP (Genetics of Rhizobia Selection by Pea) is a collaborative research project that proposes an original approach to improve the pea-Rhizobium beneficial interaction by mobilizing a multidisciplina
Analysis of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective properties of a virus-derived protein
As obligatory parasites, viruses have refined diverse strategies aimed at manipulating the host cell physiology for their own benefit. For example, it has been shown that the non-cytolytic persistence