Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) - second call
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a new funding instrument set up by ANR for Work Programme 2017. T-ERC is open to all
Tremplin – ERC (T-ERC)
ANR announced in Work Programme 2017 the creation of Springboard - ERC (T-ERC), an instrument specially dedicated to improving France’s rate of success on ERC calls. T-ERC is open to all ERC research
Transnational joint call for proposals on Sustainable and Resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems (FACCE SURPLUS)
ANR has teamed up with the ERA-NET Cofund FACCE SURPLUS to launch a second joint transnational call for proposals in order to fund innovative research projects on small-scale biorefinery concepts and
Transnational joint call for proposals on Sustainable Food Production and Consumption (SUSFOOD2)
ANR has teamed up with the ERA-NET Cofund SUSFOOD2 to launch a joint transnational call for proposals in order to fund innovative research projects in sustainable food production and consumption. The
Transnational call for proposals under the ERA-NET ERANETMED, third edition: Fostering sustainable water management for the economic growth and sustainability of the Mediterranean region
ERANETMED is a EU FP7 initiative that aims at co-ordinating research activities of the different national research programs from EU Members States, Associated Countries to the EU Research Framework Pr
Transnational call for proposals on nanomedicine through the ERA-NET COFUND EuroNanoMed III
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 18 countries is launching a 8th joint transnational call for proposals through the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed (ENM) on Nanomedicine. The goal o
Transnational Call for Young Researchers ARIMNet 2: Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network 2
The ARIMNet 2 Project (Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network), funded by the European Union under FP7, is aimed at coordinate National Agricultural Research Programmes to strengthen the c
Trans-Atlantic Platform Call for Proposals “Digging into Data”
The T-AP “Digging into Data” call addresses humanities and/or social sciences research questions by using innovative research techniques to analyse large and/or complex datasets and show how these new
Specific support for research works and innovation for defense: Maturation and Development (ASTRID-Maturation)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching, in partnership with the French armaments procurement agency (DGA), the fifth edition of the ASTRID Maturation programme "Specific support for re
Specific Support for Defence Research Projects and Innovation (ASTRID)
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with the French Armaments Procurement Agency (DGA), has launched the 2017 ASTRID programme, providing "specific support for defence research p