"Mechanisms and measurement of disease progression in the early phase of neurodegenerative diseases” - EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)
In the context of ERA-NET JPcofuND 2 (JPND), ANR launches a joint transnational call with the aim of improving the understanding of disease mechanisms and advancing measurability of disease progression at early and pre-symptomatic stages of neurodegenerative diseases.
14th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 14th call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium (European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific Challenges) bringing together 20 countries, with a budget of 11,56M€.
1st edition of the Franco-Czech bilateral call for nuclear projects - ANR TACR
France and the Czech Republic have been key players in the European Nuclear Alliance, leading the way in reforming the electricity market. Both governments aim to enhance these collaborations, especially in research cooperation. The French and Czech governments wish to strengthen these ties, particularly through cooperation in the field of research.
A European call for proposals on clinical research for repurposing in rare diseases
The French National Research Agency launch in partnership with 14 countries the eighth E-Rare joint call for funding multilateral research projects on rare diseases on “ Clinical research for new the
A bilateral call for proposals on the "Development of the hydrogen pathway for the future energy mix"
The BMBF and the MESR (via ANR) will launch a call for proposals on the “Development of the hydrogen pathway for the future energy mix. In line with the respective national strategies to accelerate the development and deployment of clean hydrogen technologies both France and Germany have adopted, The German (BMBF) and French (MESR) ministries of research have decided to launch a joint call on key challenges toward the deployment of the hydrogen economy where the bilateral cooperation provides especial added value.
Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt : Science avec et pour la société (AMI-SAPS)
La loi n°2020-1674 du 24 décembre 2020 de programmation de la recherche pour les années 2021 à 2030, publié au Journal officiel du 26 décembre 2020, fait une large place à une conception renouvelée des relations entre sciences, recherche et société avec l’ambition de rendre possible l’avènement d’une science plus ouverte vers les citoyens pour reconsolider le lien démocratique au plus près des territoires et au service de la société française et européenne, capable d’irriguer l’ensemble des activités de la Nation pour renforcer la compétitivité de notre économie.
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt (AMI) Corpus de recherche "Grand débat national"
Contexte La communauté scientifique s’est emparée du sujet « Grand débat national » comme un véritable objet de recherche et ce dès son annonce. Les contributions qui découlent de cette consultati
Bilateral collaboration ANR – JST CREST for three research areas: "Nano-Material Semiconductors"
Japan Science and Technology Agency ( JST) and the French National Research Agency (ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche) concluded a Framework Agreement in December 2017. The purpose of this Agreement is to foster Japanese-French collaboration in scientific research and to fund joint research projects conducted by Japanese and French partners eligible for funding from each agency, within the framework of the JST-CREST program on three common priority research areas:
Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy
ANR participates in the 2nd call of the ERA-NET Joint Call (CoFund) CoBioTech, bringing together 14 countries. The Joint Call call covers biotechnology. Applications must address one of the topics des
Call for Expressions of Interest: Innovative and Operational Solutions in the field of Industrial Risk Management in a dense urban environment: AMI-S.I.O.M.R.I
On September 26th, 2019, a fire broke out in the Lubrizol factory, 3 km from downtown Rouen. Following this event, a 22 km black smoke plume spreads over the city and its urban agglomeration: toxic vo