towArd a sWitchable biO-activity of metalliC glass surfAces by ultrashort laser irradiaTion
Biomaterials, as well as nosocomial diseases got in contaminated environments, are two high-societal impact issues, where development of new metallic glasses (MGs) may contribute to improve significan
tools for the electromanipulation of the interior of the biological cells
The electric pulses used until now have effects focused exclusively at the level of the external membrane of the cells. These effects (in particular cells electroporation) are used in routine in biolo
thinking global Service for persOnnal comPuter
Mobile phones and personal computers are getting more and more converging. However, on one hand the service/application access model on mobile phones has been designed to smooth this access to new use
thermoDynamics in Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamIcs
Since the XIXth century, classical thermodynamics has developed the conceptual and practical tools to harness thermal noise, turning it into a resource. Heat engines efficiently convert heat produced
the Role of thE SenSe of Agency for the development of Communication
The Sense of Agency (SoA) refers to the subjective experience of being in control of one’s own actions and their consequences. Influential theories about speech development implicitly assume that infa
the COGnitive basis of LEXical selection
When a speaker produces an utterance, a variety of choices and decisions have to be made. The speaker needs to decide what (s)he wants to talk about (e.g. my Sunday morning or my Monday morning occupa
testInG quaNtum physIcs by countIng micrOwave photoNs
Despite almost a century of academic investigations and technological developments, quantum physics still firmly holds to its counter-intuitive postulates. Surprisingly amid this wealth of experimenta
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