Sulfate Reducing Bacteria: mechanisms of biomineralization and preservation of biosignatures of a key metabolism of Earth history
Microbial metabolisms such as bacterial sulfate reduction are involved in the formation of key minerals widespread in the rock record, and might have played a central role in the coupling of S, C and Fe biogeochemical cycles in Earth history. Elucidating their role in ancient environments requires the use of robust biosignatures of these metabolisms. We explore these mechanisms of biomineralization using interdisciplinary tools, with the aim of defining / refining such biosignatures.
Secondary Alteration Processes IN Solar system
Chondrites are solid remnants of the formation of the solar system 4.56 Ga ago. They provide a direct glimpse into the astrophysical conditions under which the Sun was formed and into the dynamics and evolution of the accretion disk. After their formation however, chondrites experienced secondary fluid alteration that caused important changes to their textures, mineralogy, and chemical and isotopic compositions.
Search for new physics with rare beauty decays at the LHC
Fundamental constituents of matter and interactions between them are well described by the Standard Model of particle physics. However, some of the most important questions remain unanswered by this t
Energetic processes driving potential peptide protometabolisms at the origin of living systems
Energetic processes driving potential peptide protometabolisms at the origins of living systems
Microphysics of collisionless shocks in astrophysics from non-relativistic to relativistic flows
GIant Planetary Systems Exploration
Giant planets (GP) are major players in the building-up of planetary systems; a good knowledge of the giant planet population is then necessary to get a full understanding of planetary system formatio
INcorporation and DIffusion of noble gases in Grain bOundaries
Incorporation and diffusion of noble gases in grain boundaries
Higgs boson couplings to top and bottom quarks
This project aims at observing two specific production channels of the Higgs boson with the data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to the ATLAS experiment, during the Run 1 (2015-2018) phase of the project.<br />This should allow to improve the knowledge on the couplings of the Higgs boson to the top and bottom quarks, therefore shedding light on the nature of the electroweak symmetry breaking.
FOmation and FAte of Mass-Independent Fractionation Signatures
In the oldest epochs of the Earth history, the atmosphere contained a strange sulfur isotope anomaly that suddenly disappeared. This disappearance is interpreted as the consequence of a late oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere. But what are the isotopes really telling us about the chemical state of the old Earth's atmosphere? What processes are behind the stage?
We work on the production, for the first time, of positively charged antihydrogen ion under controlled circumstances in the laboratory. We will measure the cross section of the antiproton/positronium and antihydrogen/positronium reactions and their matter counterparts, which lead to the anti-ion production. The antihydrogen ions will be used in the GBAR experiment at CERN, which aims at the direct measurement of the gravitational acceleration of neutral antimatter.