Use and management of Vicia species for sustainability and resilience in biodiversity-based farming systems
Our project will work toward the design of sustainable, efficient and resilient biodiversity-based cereal-legume cropping systems adapted to the future challenges and constraints of Mediterranean area
Integrated hYperfrequency probes for the assessment of electromagnetic radiations at high sensitivities - Industrial development laboratory.
In the context of 5G deployment, radiofrequency (RF) electric fields are bound to invade our daily lives. This generates an important need in electric field detection at high resolution and sensitivit
AI for paedriatric neurorehabilitation
Artificial intelligence (AI), in its modern form, is profoundly changing many areas, including health. The development of AI for health opens up very promising prospects for improving the quality of c
Intelligent handling of imperfect data
The huge wealth of data available nowadays holds tremendous potential to improve our lives, whether it be by advancing scientific knowledge, improving patient care, or supporting more informed policym
Propositional Reasoning for Large-Scale Optimization. Application to Clean Energy Mobility Issues
The propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) is fundamental in many fields of Computer Science and particularly in Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to its high reasoning capabilities, SAT is a very c
Transfer Learning from Big data to Small Data: Leveraging Psychiatric Neuroimaging Biomarkers Discovery
Unlike many other medical specialties, psychiatry lacks objective quantitative measures (such as blood dosage) to guide clinicians in choosing a therapeutic strategy. Brain anatomy is an imprint of th
Algorithms, Approximations, Sparsity and Sketching for AI
Solid algorithmic and mathematical foundations are essential to endow AI systems with guaranteed utility, resource-efficiency and trustworthiness. Exploiting massive data streams requires controlling
Responsible AI
The chair project will be incorporated into the framework of the European Union's policy on the ethics of artificial intelligence. The European Commission believes that the challenges for Europe in th
Deep learning for computational imaging with emerging image modalities
Digital and computational imaging is a key technology to help understanding the world around us. This field is likely to know disruptive changes in the coming years due to the emergence of novel imagi
BRIDinG thE gAp Between iterative proximaL methods and nEural networks
Proximal methods have enabled significant advances in large scale optimization in the last decade. At the same time, deep neural networks (NNs) have led to outstanding achievements in many application