Access to C-glycosides by directed metal-catalyzed C-H functionalization at the anomeric position.
Although sugars play a crucial role in many biological processes, their uses in therapeutics remain limited due to their low stability. That’s why organic chemists are constantly pushed to develop new
Accounting for soot particle morphology in flame thermal radiation and optical diagnostics in complex systems
To progress beyond the current state-of-the-art of our understanding of particle matter (or soot) emissions, and to improve CFD capabilities for their prediction in real configurations, a combined approach is required in multiphysics simulations associating turbulence, combustion and soot gaseous chemistry, particle matter formation and evolution as well as thermal radiation with morphology-based soot radiative properties.
Accurate Atomistic Models for Computer-Aided Drug Design
This project addresses the important problem of the development of accurate atomistic simulation models for computer-aided drug design (CADD). Drug discovery and development are very time and resource
Acoustic stimulation device for treatment of depression
Psychiatric illnesses such as major depression are treated with antidepressants, however 50% of patients do not show improvement after treatment: they are non-responders or resistant. Alternative therapies are proposed such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) or Deep Brain Stimulation (SCP) but these therapies have limitations. SMT can only be applied to superficial areas of the brain while SCP is invasive requiring in situ implantation of electrodes.
Active Cell Nematics
To explore and interpret the behaviours of populations of confluent spindle-shaped cells confined in mesoscopic tracks and subjected to an external field.
Active functional devices using PARity-TIme SYMmetry Optics
The progress of nanotechnologies has triggered the emergence of many photonic artificial structures: photonic crystals, metamaterials, plasmonic resonators. Recently the intriguing class of PT-symmetr
Active glazing through plasmonic oxide nanoparticles combined with liquid crystals
Active glazing through plasmonic oxide nanoparticles combined with liquid crystals
Acute effect of metformin on intestinal sodium-glucose co-transport /
Acute effect of metformin on intestinal sodium-glucose co-transport Metformin is widely used to treat type 2 diabetes but its mechanisms of action remain uncertain. Converging evidences now indica
Adaptive Hyperspectral Imager
The ImHypAd project (Adaptive Hyperspectral Imager) will develop a new generation of hyperspectral imagers, with algorithms and strategies for the acquisition and processing of associated hyperspectra