3D monolithically integrated SPAD pixels in advanced CMOS FDSOI technology
This project meets the performance needs of photodetectors (response time, sensitivity, etc.) for applications such as 3D vision, for example facial recognition or navigation aid, medical imaging, etc. but also for potential new applications in cryptography or photonics / quantum optics.
6th Transnational Call on Collaborative Research in Computational Neurosciences (CRCNS)
ANR launches in collaboration with NSF and NIH (USA), BMBF (Germany) and BSF (Israel) a call for research and data sharing projects in computational neuroscience. This call concerns an opening of
8th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 8 th call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium (European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in ICST), bringing together 19 European countries. The call announce
A MULTIdisciplinary approach to decipher the first step of aroma MIXture perception.
Odors that we detect in our environment result from the perception of mixtures of odorants. Several of these mixtures can lead to a homogeneous percept: odor blending or masking by one component.<br />MULTIMIX aims to identify the biological, molecular and sensory characteristics of odorants that contribute to a homogeneous percept. It will provide keys for the improvement of the flavoring of foods formulated according to nutritional recommendations.
A Multidisciplinary Approach for the design of a predictive tool in the Rheology of non-Brownian suspensions.
Recent advances in the rheology of concentrated non-Brownian suspensions (NBS) have shown the central role played by solid contact forces between particles and in particular of friction in suspension
A PAC-Bayesian Representation Learning Perspective
The tools offered by the PAC-Bayesian theory allow to bring an original point of view on representation learning methods while bringing strong theoretical guarantees and new directions to develop new algorithms.
A Social-Ecological System Approach towards a Sustainable Intensification of Agricultural Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
The project aims at developing a “System of Systems” concept to assess land-use and land-management change scenarios to strengthen sustainable water management and food security for the Sudanian-Savannah region. This will be achieved by analyzing social-ecological system interactions including local stakeholder knowledge, human management impacts and nature responses at nested scales. The scenario-simulation will deliver bundles of management strategies to improve food and water securities.
A Visual Memory Network for Scene Understanding
People visually interpret any new environment, interact with, and navigate it almost effortlessly. Despite significant progress, this level of visual intelligence has not been achieved by artificial s
A chemical biology approach toward innovative granulysin analogs
Granulysin (GN) is a human protein secreted by cytolytic T-lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. GN protein has a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activities on some Gram-positive and Gram-negativ
A competency-based approach for diagnosis, control and personalization of learning
The aim of the COMPER project is to design models and tools to implement a competency-based approach to support learning in a personalized way. Bringing together researchers in computer science, hu