Brain-Inspired PHOtonic PROCessor
BiPhoProc aims to demonstrate a highly innovative self-consistent bio-inspired computer, which hardware architecture is based on a hybrid digital (FPGA) and optoelectronic systems. The computing effic
The genetic rules underlying the adaptive evolution of phenotypic robustness in experimental populations of Caernorhabditis elegans
Resilience to genetic or environmental insults results in phenotypic invariance among the individuals of a population, or “phenotypic robustness”. Yet, for evolution to occur there must be heritable p
Syntactic parsing and multiword expressions in French
The Project, PARSEME-FR, aims at improving linguistic representativeness, precision and computational efficiency of Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, notably parsing. The project focuses
Neutron investigations to reveal anapoles: a route for a high-temperature superconductivity mechanism in copper oxides
The project NirvAna aims to evidence anapoles (or polar toroidic dipoles) in condensed matter physics and more particularly in high temperature copper oxide superconductors. A spontaneous circulating
Self-Assembled Magnetic Materials with New Paradigms
Our latest experimental results and calculations prove that the paramagnetism of gold nanoparticles is of orbital nature and results from the conduction electrons being driven into persistent currents
Does regeneration reset the age clock?
The dream of regenerative medicine – to regenerate functional organs as replacements for damaged or amputated parts of our body – has captured the public interest. In public imagination regeneration i
Helical states and Majorana fermions in topological nanostructures
The mathematical concept of topology applied to condensed matter has been very helpful to understand the transport properties of certain materials. This description was responsible for the discovery o
Transgenic marine embryos as sentinels detecting CMR toxicity in the sea.
The density of human habitation around the Mediterranean sea is the highest in the world making it an ideal site to monitor man-made pollution of a marine environment, which could also affect humans.
Seing the invisible, or, how to integrate metadynamics in the quantitative analysis of protein/protein complexes right at your fingertips.
Molecular interactions play a key role in all the branch of analytical sciences. Among these interactions, those involving proteins are particularly fascinating as they comprise a large number of degr
Two-dimensional Phase Transformation Materials
Structural phase transitions are ubiquitous in everyday's life and have given rise to various applications in information technologies and energy storage for instance. They exploit functional material