Infrared quantum devices operating in the ultra-strong light-matter coupling regime
Far infrared optoelectronic devices have an extremely low radiative efficiency. Intersubband transitions (transitions between confined levels) in semiconductor quantum wells are used to realize emit
High frequency nano-oscillators based on magnetic vortices
Spin Transfer induced Dynamics of magnetic vortices : A vortex is a configuration that can exist in many forms in nature (e.g, the vortex of a tornado or microscopic vortex currents in some supracondu
Synthesis of a Multibranched Porphyrin-Oligonucleotide Scaffold or Adamantane-oligonucleotide scaffold for the Construction of DNA-Based Nano-Architectures
Nanotechnologies: Fabrication of functional systems by controlling matter at the nanometer length scale This approach implies to study, understand and develop nanomanipulation technologies which ena
Base génétique de la compatibilité naturelle entre les virus de la dengue et leurs moustiques vecteurs
Genetic basis of natural compatibility between dengue viruses and their mosquito vectors
Dynamiques d’adaptation des mobilités quotidiennes aux situations de crises hydrométéorologiques.
The study of flash flood coping practices should help to understand how different individualities and communities deal with their daily obligations when environmental conditions are rapidly declining.