Global environmental change: France is in the consortium that will ensure the secretariat of "Future Earth"
ANR, along with the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research, and the alliance Allenvi, is part of the international consortium that has just been designated to ensure the secretariat of Future Earth, the newly created global programme dedicated to sustainable development. The consortium will bring together France, the USA, Japan, Quebec and Sweden. This type of shared structure will give global visibility to this initiative to address environmental changes. This flagship research programme, which is to span the next ten years, is presented below.
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access, 23 to 27 October 2023
To bring together the international Diamond Open Access community and foster collaboration, several institutions and initiatives committed to Open Science are co-hosting a global summit from 23 to 27 October 2023 in Mexico and online. Registration is open.
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access concludes with pledges to advance Diamond OA initiatives globally
Le Sommet mondial sur l’ accès ouvert diamant, qui s'est tenu à Toluca, au Mexique, et en ligne, du 23 au 27 octobre 2023, s'est conclu avec succès par un engagement commun de la communauté internationale pour promouvoir l’écosystème de l’accès ouvert diamant. Organisé par Redalyc, UAEMéx, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO, UÓR, ANR, cOAlition S, OPERAS, et Science Europe, le Sommet a réuni pour la première fois, l’ensemble des parties prenantes de l’écosystème international diamant, pour promouvoir la qualité, la durabilité, la facilité d'utilisation et l'équité de l'accès à la communication scientifique.
Global Security Research: See you at the 12th WISG Symposium!
The French National Research Agency (ANR) will be hosting the 12th edition of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Global Security (WISG) from 16 to 17 October 2018 in Lyon. The event is organised in partnership with the French Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DGRI), the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) and the French General Secretariat for Defence and National Security (SGDSN). It will offer researchers, businesses and institutional stakeholders a platform to discover the outstanding results of ANR projects and specific activities undertaken by the Agency and its partners, while allowing them to engage with potential partners. Free entry with registration
Global Research Council Holds Annual Meeting in New Delhi
During a two-day meeting, heads of funding agencies from more than fifty countries spanning five continents adopted statements of principle covering two major themes, “interdisciplinarity” and “equality and status of women in research”.
Gestion des déchets radioactifs de démantèlement - L’appel à projets Andra bientôt en ligne
L’Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs (Andra), en coopération avec l’ANR et avec le soutien du programme d’Investissements d’Avenir, va prochainement lancer un appel à projets dont l’objectif est de faire émerger des initiatives innovantes autour de la gestion des déchets radioactifs issus du démantèlement des installations nucléaires. L’ouverture est prévue courant novembre 2014. Une journée de présentation de cet appel sera organisée le 15 décembre prochain.
Generic call 2015: encouraging international projects
ANR promotes collaborative research in Europe and the world, thereby stimulating the emergence of high-level scientific partnerships between French and foreign teams. To meet this objective, it proposes a funding instrument baptised PRCI, the French acronym for "Collaborative Research Projects - International". This instrument, which can be used under the 2015 generic call for proposals, enables French teams to submit projects in collaboration with a number of other countries.
Generic Call for Proposals 2017: an edition focused on simplification measures
The Generic Call for Proposals 2017 is published today and will be closed on October 27that 1pm. In the context of the simplification plan initiated by the French Ministry of Research, several measures intended to facilitate the researchers work and help them saving time are now available with the opening of this fourth edition. In its will to assist and help scientific communities, ANR has wished to complete these evolutions by meeting scientific communities in charge of projects in Paris and regionally. More details below.
Generic Call 2016: an accelerated evaluation system implemented for projects relating to migration, asylum, and refugee policy
ANR announced at the pre-proposal submission site’s opening that an accelerated selection system for projects relating to migration, asylum, and refugee policies in all of their facets will be implemented under the generic call.
Generic Call 2015: Initial results published
Since 2014, the generic call for proposals groups together a large part of ANR's funding offering. The 2015 edition's initial results for the "Collaborative research projects", "Collaborative research projects involving enterprises" and "Young researchers" instruments were published today. These make up about 70% of the total budget dedicated by ANR dedicated to calls for proposals in 2015. Additional results will be regularly released until the year’s end from projects submitted under international agreements (International collaborative research projects funding instrument). These results will round out those released today.