Protection of quantum information in small clusters of qubits
Modern digital electronics has reached an important junction. The traditional way of delivering ever stronger computing power by simple miniaturization is no longer possible. One potential avenue fo
MOlecular LAttice Quantum ElectRodynamics MOlecular LAttice Quantum ElectRodMOlecular LAttice Quantum ElectRodynamics MOlecular LAttice Quantum ElectRodynamics
Light-matter interfaces lie at the core of many quantum phenomena and technologies. At the single emitter level, they enable strong photon-photon interactions instrumental to engineering gates for pho
AGRiculture with Intelligent POLarimetric and HYperspectral Sensing (AGRIPOLHYS)
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI), which allows contact-less, non-destructive and fast optical sensing, is a good candidate for massive plant health monitoring in smart agriculture. To allow a dramatic redu
Harnessing thiol-redox metabolism to control cell fate in highly secreting cells
How cells adapt to an increase in their secretory load sets a delicate balance between health and disease and pave the way for pathologies ranging from cancer to diabetes. The Endoplasmic Reticulum (E
Long Range Control of Reactivity in CO Dehydrogenases
Homologous enzymes are defined by a set of highly conserved “core” residues that are required for function. The catalytic properties (catalytic rates, Michaelis constants, susceptibility to inhibitors
Transformative urban heritage. Strategies for sustainable European housing stock.
Within the European city, the historic housing stock often comprises a compact, densely built-up area close to city centres. Due to its urbanistic and architectural qualities as well as the key socio-
Confidence hierarchy: a neurocomputational approach to self-beliefs
Self-beliefs, how we perceive ourselves and our abilities, have a widespread impact on life trajectories. Previous work in psychology and psychiatry has identified self-beliefs as a key predictor in t
Invisible ties. The international network of real estate investments and their impact on housing markets
Real estate has become an international investment asset. Anecdotal evidence highlights its importance for the wealth management of the Jordanian King, religious orders, Russian oligarchs or the presi