Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy
ANR participates in the 2nd call of the ERA-NET Joint Call (CoFund) CoBioTech, bringing together 14 countries. The Joint Call call covers biotechnology. Applications must address one of the topics des
Call for labeling of Carnot institutes
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation opens the new call for label and renewal of Instituts Carnot. The deadline for applications is September 16th, 2019. Created in 2006, the
Call for programmes: PhD contracts in Artificial Intelligence
At the end of the "AI for Humanity" day held in Paris on 29 March 2018, during which the President of the French Republic delivered a speech on artificial intelligence (AI), a national programme for A
Call for projects "Trilateral call for proposals France – Germany - Japan on artificial intelligence (AI)”
The French National Research Agency (ANR, France), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG, Germany) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Japan), signed in April 2019 in Tokyo the agree
Call for transnational research projects within the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR)
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 14 countries (Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Spain, a
Call of proposals: "Setting up European or/and International Scientific Networks" - MRSEI
In the framework of its 2019 Work Programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) proposes the MRSEI call with a continuous submission format throughout the year with two scheduled selection sessions (March and September 2019).
ERA-MIN 2 - Raw materials for sustainable development and circular economy
In the framework of ERA-NET Cofund ERA-MIN2, the French National Research Agency (ANR) launches, in partnership with 23 funding agencies from 18 different countries, a second call for projects on non-
ERA-NET on Cardiovascular Diseases Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2019 (JTC 2019): “Transnational Cardiovascular Research Projects driven by Early career scientists”
The ANR has teamed up with the ERA-CVD ERA-NET to launch a fourth joint transnational call for proposals for research projects in cardiovascular diseases, driven by early career scientists. Fifteen countries are participating in this call for proposals: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Taiwan, The Netherlands.
Ecophyto - Maturation
Under the leadership of the Ministries of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Agriculture and Food, Ecological Transition and Solidarities and Health and within the framework of the Ecophyto Plan, the ANR launches a call for projects "Ecophyto - Maturation" co-funded with the AFB (Agence Française pour la Biodiversité). The call will fund consortia made up of research organizations and industries.
FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2019
FLAG-ERA (the Flagship ERA-NET) gathers National and Regional Funding Organisations (NRFOs) in Europe and beyond with the goal of supporting, together with the European Commission, the FET Flagship initiatives, i.e., the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project (HBP) Flagship. One of its main aims is to set up and launch dedicated transnational calls to complement the Flagships.