Extension of conflict zones : Deep Seabed and Space – Call for expressions of interest
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in collaboration with the French Defence Innovation Agency (AID), is launching the call for expression of interest “Extension of conflict zones: Deep Seabed and Space”. Applicants are invited to submit proposals aiming at improving the knowledge, surveillance and protection of these complex environments.
Climat, Environment and Health 2 - Belmont Forum 2023
The Belmont Forum, an international partnership of research funding agencies that ANR is part of, is launching a call aiming at improving understanding among the climate, environment, and health pathways to protect and promote ecological, planetary, and human health in the face of climate challenges. Multilateral, inter-, and transdisciplinary research projects will investigate issues that impede policy implementation; address complex climate, ecosystem, and health pathways to determine processes underlying causal links; capacity development and collaboration across relevant disciplines and institutions; and foster the use of international scientific databases with local knowledge to develop climate-related decision support tools to better inform planning, resilience, and adaptation to climate change.
Setting up European or International Scientific Networks - SRSEI 2023
In the framework of its 2023 Work Programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) proposes the SRSEI call with a continuous submission format throughout the year.
Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences 8th call for proposals
The eighth round of the Open Research Area (ORA) is based on an agreement between the Agence nationale de la Recherche (ANR; France), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), the Economic and Social Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (ESRC; the UK), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC; Canada).
Climate Change Impacts on Regional Ecosystems – Call for expression of interest
Although climate change is a global phenomenon, its influence on ecosystems varies from region to region depending on local specificities, giving rise to the need in accurate and cross-sectional knowledge on the consequences of climate change as a function of territorial characteristics.
Call for labeling of Carnot institutes
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation opens the new call for label and renewal of Instituts Carnot. The deadline for applications is September 16th, 2019. Created in 2006, the
JTC 2020 on Rare Diseases within European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD)
The French National Research Agency will launch, in partnership with 23 countries, the second joint transnational call of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases for funding “Pre-clinical research to develop effective therapies for rare diseases”.
Call for Expressions of Interest: Innovative and Operational Solutions in the field of Industrial Risk Management in a dense urban environment: AMI-S.I.O.M.R.I
On September 26th, 2019, a fire broke out in the Lubrizol factory, 3 km from downtown Rouen. Following this event, a 22 km black smoke plume spreads over the city and its urban agglomeration: toxic vo
Impact of Diet, Food Components and Food Processing on Body Weight Regulation and Related Metabolic Diseases (METADIS)
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with ten countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden) is launching a third joint call
Programme de recherche transnational EuroTransBio
En complément de l'appel à projet "Recherche et Innovation en Biotechnologie" (RIB), l'ANR est partenaire de l'ERA-NET EuroTransBio pour lancer un appel à projets transnational dans le domaine des bio