“ÊtreS au Travail” exhibition: discover 80 photographs with commentaries by experts in the social sciences and humanities
As well as being at the heart of socioeconomic and political debate, the question of work is also the subject of many interdisciplinary research projects. Marking the centenary of the International Labour Organization, the exhibition “ÊtreS au Travail” presents comparative views on the changing world of work from artists and researchers through 80 photographs from the Magnum agency and independent photographers. Organised by the association Lumières sur le Travail, the exhibition can be visited free of charge at the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris until 14 July 2019.
“Women in Science are often too invisible”
In July 2020, The French National Research Agency (ANR) implemented an Action Plan for Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming for 2020-2023. In this interview, Laurence Guyard, Sociologist and Gender Specialist at the ANR, discusses the main lines of action, the progress made and the actions under development.
“We need to address climate change from a systemic point of view”
An international summit and symposium will be held on 27-29 June 2023 in Paris to build new bridges between fundamental life science and environmental science communities, together with funders and science policy-making bodies, with the aim of discussing how basic research in the life sciences can help accelerate the sustainability transition. This event is organized by the International Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) with the support of several partners including the French National Research Agency (ANR)1. Interview with Pavel Kabat, Secretary General of the HFSP organization.
“Using the CRY to calm fire”: Establishing the role of circadian clock in NLRP3 regulation and functions.
Circadian clocks sustain rhythmic patterns in behavior and physiology and increase the flexibility of the organisms to adapt to cyclic changes in the environment. Disrupted circadian rhythmicity, a we
“Reinvented Normalities” and chronic condition Philosophical and epidemiological approaches to patients’ perspectives
Focusing on chronic disease and multimorbidity, the Epiphinore project aims at generating new knowledge about the content(s) to be given to the aspiration to a "life as it was before", a "normal" or "
“Plate-forme de l'Université de Bordeaux pour l'organique électronique imprimable : de la molécule aux dispositifs et systèmes intégrés - valorisation et commercialisation”
The “Bordeaux University Facility for the Printed Organic Electronics: from Molecules to Devices and System Architectures as well as their Commercialization” provides the capability to explore interdi
“Operando” 3D Multiscale and Multi-technique Catalyst Probing
The goal of the MULTIPROBE project is to develop a new methodology for the in situ and operando characterization of catalysts based on a unique combination of transmission electron microscopy and X-ra
“Operando” 3D Multiscale and Multi-technique Catalyst Probing
The goal of the MULTIPROBE project is to develop a new methodology for the in situ and operando characterization of catalysts based on a unique combination of transmission electron microscopy and X-ra
“On Pillars” Epitaxial Overgrowth of Freestanding AlN Layers
This project aims (i) to increase the crystal quality of AlN layers epitaxially grown by HT-HVPE (High Temperature Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy) on patterned substrates and (ii) to assess HT-HVPE as an
“Night at the museum”: filling the gaps in the history of emergence of important crop pathogenic bacteria using historical material
In order to better control current diseases of plants and prevent future epidemics, it is crucial to develop an improved understanding of the factors underlying pathogen emergence, adaptation and spre