Development of Ultra-Fast MRI relaxation time measurements: Application in Image Guided Therapy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique that obtain images with multiple contrasts: we talk about image weighting. Each tissue possesses specific relaxation times (T1, T2, T2*), that a pathology or a treatment can modify. Quantitation is necessary in order to obtain a non-subjective scale to compare patients between them, to assess the evolution of a disease, to precisely evaluate the efficacy of a treatment, to monitor a minimally-invasive procedure in real-time.
A therapeutic target for ischemic related injuries, application to organ transplantation
This project aims to design a new generation of pharmacological inhibitors capable of countering the consequences of an ischemic episode. They target a protein (serRS) that we have recently identified and implicated in the resistance of organs to ischemia. The clinical application is kidney transplantation.
Magnetically driven superhydrophobic/slippery surfaces
Magnetically driven superhydrophobic / slippery surfaces
Multi-principal-element Alloys as Solid Stores for HYdrogen
Multi-principal-element Alloys as Solid Stores for HYdrogen
IoniC LIquid Crystals: Towards TunAble-by-Design ElectroLytes
Its overarching goal is to deliver proof of concept demonstration of efficient nanoconfined ionic transport going beyond current state of the art performances of currently used electrolytes to trigger the dawn of safer-by-design next generations key enabling technology (KET) 2.0 solutions in reply to mankind’s energy needs.
TowaRds inOvative PotassIum-ion full-Cell
Our goal is to develop an alternative K-ion battery to Li-ion (LIB) technology by answering the following questions: Is the K-ion system competitive and viable compared to LIBs and NIBs?<br />Do the expected advantages in power density (high ionic conductivity) and energy (low standard potential), abundance and cost exceed the expected limits due to the higher atomic mass and ionic radius of K +?
SPIRO-QUinolinophenothiazines as Efficient Semi-conducTors for single-layer phosphorescent OLEDs
To date, all the high efficiency Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (PhOLEDs) are multi-layer devices, built on a stack of layers. Simplifying the multi-layers structure with the so-called Single-Layer PhOLEDs (SL-PhOLEDs), the simplest device only made of the electrodes and the emitting layer is a key step. However, high-efficiency SL-PhOLEDs are rarely reported, due to the lack of efficient host materials. SPIROQUEST aims to reach universal materials for high performance SL-PhOLEDs.
All-Solid-state litHium sulfUr Battery with a poLymer Electrolyte
High energy density, low cost, and safe battery devices are a need to promote the energy transition. To answer this challenge, all-solid-state Li-sulfur batteries are a promising solution. However, achieving an efficient combination between a sulfur cathode and a Li anode remains a challenge. The proposed solution is to design an adapted polymer electrolyte acting as battery separator and cathode binder stable with Li metal and blocking the polysulfide redow shuttle.
COPPER based PACKaging for direct cooled power module
Copper based power module packaging
Microscale modeling of fracture-matrix interactions under reactive two-phase flow
Microscale modeling of fracture- matrix interactions under reactive two- phase flow