Advanced thermoplasmonic tools for the study of thermal biology at the single cell level
Thermodynamics on the nanoscale (hereinafter nanothermics) is a branch of nanotechnology that currently demonstrates a gain of interest favored by the development of novel thermal microscopy technique
Aerodynamics of Insect Flight In Turbulent flow
The aerodynamics of insect flight currently receives considerable attention. The fundamentals of insect flight were first explored assuming that insects move in quiescent air. However, natural environ
Ageing of Networks Synthetized by Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization
This study deals with lifecycle of polymers synthetized by Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization, like polydicyclopentadiene which is easily polymerized even under ambient conditions, and sold by a m
Air Laser-based TErahertz SpectroScopy of Explosives
The identification and remote detection of energetic materials have become a major issue of dual research, both civil and military, for the Defence and Security of populations in France, on the Europe
Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Coding Theory for Cryptography
This proposition will study error correcting codes built using algebraic geometry and number theory, and their applications in cryptography, multi-party computation, and complexity theory. Indeed,
Algodiv: Algorithmic recommandation and diversity of information on the web
How to measure, assess and check the quality and adequacy of the choices made by web algorithms as they put forward such or such information? What are the options for academics in a context where more
All OPTIcal hazardous GAs Sensor in infrared
The OPTIGAS project aims to develop all-optical fiber sensors in two infrared spectral windows ( 3-5 µm and 8-12µm) . The principle of this sensor is very versatile and can be adapted to various kinds of gases having spectroscopic signatures in atmospheric transparency windows .
Alternative Perovskite Materials for ReRAM Memories: Understanding and tailoring resistive switching
Among the various emerging devices expected to replace conventional Flash memories, Resistive Random Access Memories (ReRAM) are currently attracting a strong scientific and industrial interest. Their
Alternative Syntheses for innovaTive nUclear fabricaTion routEs
This project proposes to explore new wet chemistry routes leading to better homogeneity of the actinide oxide formed with a limited number of steps. These works thus focus on the development of innovative processes suited to industrial application and MOX fuel fabrication for the 4th generation RNR SFR reactors such as ASTRID.