Acting on the glutamatergic synapse with nanobodies
In the central nervous system (CNS), the excitatory glutamatergic synapses are highly organized. They consist of post-synaptic ionotropic glutamate receptors and pre-synaptic glutamate localized insid
AdaPtive Potential of Alpine Tree Species to global change
Mediterranean and Alpine forests are among the most sensitive ecosystems to climate change. Significant progresses have been made in the prediction of their future response by the development of statistical and process-based models integrating functional traits. However, these approaches do not take the evolutionary potential of species into account.
Adaptation of a bacterial multispecies biofilm community to perturbations: a pluridisciplinary approach
The project aims at discovering the fundamental principles governing the adaptation of multi-species communities to disturbance on a 4-species (4S) bacterial biofilm of natural origin. In the nature,
Adaptation of the human gut microbiome to ancient and recent changes in dietary regimes and lifestyle
This project aims to understand how the human gut bacteria evolve, and notably how they adapt to rapid changes in human lifestyles, especially in the context of industrialization. The goal is therefore to study the interactions that take place between gut bacteria, gut eukaryotes, human diet and human medical practices, in order to identify the variables that are most strongly associated to the gut microbiome variability.
Additional imaging doses and associated risks in image-guided radiotherapy - Toward an optimized therapeutic approach
Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) and adaptive radiotherapy (ART) represents an indispensable, life-saving therapeutic approach against cancer, in the frame of predictive medicine. IGRT/ART treatment s
Additive Manufacturing and Fatigue of cellular structures integrated in aerospace
Additive manufacturing applied to metal parts is now on course. One begins not only to produce shapes, but also to guarantee mechanical properties. Among the crucial properties for aeronautic applications, fatigue is still poorly documented. Fatigue is all the more limiting as the parts incorporate complex and fine morphologies such as lattice structures.
Advanced Computation and I/O Methods for Earth-System Simulations (AIMES)
Dealing with extreme scale Earth-system models is challenging. Firstly, model code is continuously revised and extended by scientists to incorporate further levels of detail. This increases the burden
Advanced Geostatistics for the Bayesian Modelling of Terrain Uncertainty
Geostatistics aims to provide a range of techniques to model, estimate, simulate regionalized variables using random field theory. From its mining origin, geostatistics was initially interested in sma
Advanced Solution for TAR TrEatment
The goal of this joint laboratory is to develop new industrial technologies for the analysis and conversion of heavy organic compounds (tar) and solids (soot) produced in gasification processes. Soli