Organic Systems for Temporal Filtering of Femtosecond Pulses
The objective of the Common Laboratory SOFTLITE is to realize liquid crystal organic gratings for the control of femtosecond pulses. The project will benefit of the shared competences from the Optics
Research, Analyze and Innovation for Verneuil’s crystal growth Burners
RSA Le RUBIS SA is the European leader regarding synthetic sapphire manufacturing. For over eighty years, the French manufacturer has been adapting to ever more competitive and changing markets and to
Virology, innovation and research for vaccinology of poultry and rabbits
The detection and characterization of emerging viruses are of critical importance in the field of veterinary vaccinology, in order to guarantee the quality of vaccines and to control any biological ri
systematic ANalysis and Global responsE to UAS threats to criticaL infrAStructures and events
ANGELAS (Systematic ANalysis and Global responsE to UAS threats to criticaL infrAStructures and events) is an experimental development conducted through a public-private partnership in reaction to unc
Light UAV detection, tracking, localization, jamming, spoofing and remote control detection.
To answer to ANR project on « sensitive areas protection against airborne drones », companies CS SI, HGH and SPECTRACOM have choose to present together a project based on innovative technologies gathe
Realization of an innovative multi-sensor detection system. Operators detection and control of the drone for neutralization, with state of the global art. Treatment of legal, regulatory and other aspects.
For the five main identified risk domains, the SPID project aims at leading a technical-operational threat analysis, taking into account each sensitive site typology, each potential site to protect, v
Joint Call for International Research Proposals on biodiversity under the ERA-NET Cofund BiodivERsA3
Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of (1) soils and sediments, and (2) land- riv
Energies Marines Renouvelables (EMR) - Appel à projets - Vague 1 - 2015
L’ANR en liaison avec l’association France Energies Marines (FEM) lance un appel à projets sur les Energies Marine Renouvelables. L’ambition de cet appel à projets est le développement de la filière f