ANAlyse de Transitors MOS à l'Echelle atoMiquE
The MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) transistor is, by far, the most widely used device in the current semiconductor component production, since it is the basic component of CMOS technology (Complement
ARN et microfluidique : analyse cinétique du repliement des ARN dans la régulation
RNA, which has long been viewed as a 'passive' information carrier, is now widely recognized as a major actor for the regulation of gene expression. In bacteria, the mRNA is a key player in this proce
ASEISMIC: Detecting and characterizing episodic aseismic forcing
Goal: To detect, characterize, and model aseismic, earthquake-triggering events (silent earthquakes, afterslip, fluid pulses and intrusions) by studying how they affect earthquake occurrence rates. Ep
Abrupt Climatic changes in Terrestrial european Eolian recordS
Atmospheric circulation accounts responsible for rapid distribution of heat and moisture across the earth and hence determines our weather and regional climate, today and in the past. While the atmosp
Accretion shocks in Young Stellar Objects: From laboratory experiments to the astrophysical context
Accretion is the one of the most efficient energy release mechanisms in the cosmos and it is often associated with powerful hydrodynamic phenomena, which in the case of young stars can take the form o
Acoustic-Visual Speech Synthesis by Bimodal Unit Concatenation: Toward a true acoustic-visual speech synthesis
The aim of this project is to contribute to the fields of acoustic speech synthesis and audiovisual speech synthesis by building a bimodal corpus as complete as possible, i.e. that covers the sounds o