Maternal-embryo exchanges: harnessing the transcriptomic data in cattle at implantation
Beyond its fundamental interest, understanding the implantation process is of major importance in livestock species since the peri-implantation conceptus loss account for more than 35% of the pregnanc
Methodological approaches and applications of geneomic selection in dairy cattle
The AMASGEN project fits in sub-axis C of the thematic axis « Animal genomics » of the ANR-Génomique call for proposals. It explicitly aims at bringing to the forefront the most recent genomic approac
Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of the Respiratory System
What are the main mechanisms involved in an asthma crisis? How does a curative aerosol or the dust pollution deposit in the airways? How emphysema or fibrosis affects the supply of air? What is the
Oocyte-somatic cells interactions, lessons from evolution
required for the full acquisition of oocyte developmental competence in vertebrates. In order to do so, we will first aim at performing a wide-scale microarray-based gene expression study of the granu
Sequences Capture on microarrays for targeted sequencing on regions of interest : development in test studies in Animal Genomics
Detecting polymorphisms, such as SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) or CNVs (Copy Number Variations) in candidate genomic regions associated with complex traits or diseases in relevant animals is
The Liberal State : The Evolution of Governance and Democracy in a Global Market
All major industrialized countries have undergone a powerful wave of market reforms since the 1980s. New patterns of governance emerged at the international level, new laws were enacted at the domesti