The Body in Embodiment: Specifying the Role of Peripheral Input in Grounded Cognition
There is increasing scientific attention to the role that the body plays in human mental functioning. The view is bolstered by an exponential growth in supportive evidence revealing that mental conten
Giant piezoresistance in silicon structures for microsystems
Piezoresistance (PZR), the change of electrical resistivity with an externally applied mechanical stress, is well known and was first measured in silicon almost 60 years ago. In addition to revealing
Dynamic Roles of H2B Ubiquitylation in Eukaryotic Cells
Nous proposons d’étudier chez la levure et chez les mammifères (dans des cellules en culture mais également chez l’animal) comment une marque épigénétique, l’ubiquitination de l’histone H2B est régulée sur l’ensemble du génome. Nous essayerons de comprendre les différentes fonctions de cette modification et pourquoi les niveaux d’ubiquitination de H2B sont très précisément régulés.
Flexible Relaying in Interference-Limited Cellular Network
Cooperative communication can be applied to both infrastructure-based networks, such as cellular systems, WLANs (wireless local area networks), WMANs (wireless metropolitan area networks), and infrast
As the greatest commercial metropolis of the Hellenistic and Roman East, Alexandria played an important role in the economic structure of the Mediterranean. At the same time it was the focus for conta
BIological, Structural and COmputational Tools to study nuclear hormone receptors and endocrine disruptors interactions
Human nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) are a family of 48 transcription factors, many of which have been shown to be activated by ligands. NHRs regulate cognate gene networks involved in key physiolog
Manufacturing Migrations and Knowledge-related : Mobilities, Productive spaces ans Generations
The pluridisciplinary social science research project « Manufacturing Migrations and Knowledge-related : Mobilities, Productive spaces ans Generations » (sociology, geography, demography, socio-psycho
Medically Assisted Reproduction and Infertility in a Globalizing World (Pretoria, Ouagadougou, Paris)
Medically Assisted Reproduction and Infertility in a Globalizing World (Pretoria, Ouagadougou, Paris) The use of biotechnology in the case of medically assisted procreation is becoming an increasin
Crises — Work, Employment and Income in Societies of the South
The financial crisis in September 2008 has put the issue of employment back in the headlines, reviving debate on the application of governmental employment policies. The 7 researchers involved in the
The politics of xenophobic exclusion in Africa: mobilisation, local orders and violence
As the African population continues to grow and move, the continent’s societies have seen increasing social, cultural, linguistic and economic heterogeneity. Cities and metropolitan areas have now rea