Probabilistic Analysis and Simulation of Geometric Algorithms
The analysis and processing of geometric data has become routine in a variety of human activities ranging from computer-aided design in manufacturing to the tracking of animal trajectories in ecology
Probabilistic approach to wave impact loads on naval structures
The project APPHY (probabilistic approach to wave impact loads on naval structures) is organized around a consortium involving one academic partner (Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (FRE CNRS 3744)
Probabilistic investigation of fault slip and coupling over the earthquake cycle
Abstract of my project submitted to the ERC-STG-2017 call The ever-increasing amount of geophysical data continuously opens new perspectives on fundamental aspects of the seismogenic behavior of ac
Probing GPCR architecture on living cells using AFM-single molecule force spectroscopy
G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest family of cell surface receptors and are involved in all major physiological processes. Nowadays, they represent the targets for ~ 35% of cur
Probing Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) directed immune response and memory
Classically hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) have simply been seen as neutral suppliers of a sufficient number of mature cells, whereas the regulation of the immune response and long-term memory of prev
Procedural and stochastic microstructures for functional fabrication
MuFFin aims at contributing a unified pipeline for the efficient and scalable synthesis, visualization, and modeling of additively manufactured microstructures with tailored macroscopic physical behav
Processing of complex sounds: Cortical Network Mechanisms and Computations
The goal of this project is to link computations with network mechanisms in complex sensory processing. To achieve this we will integrate three approaches, currently used separately to study sensory
Production of recombinant membrane proteins embedded in heterologous caveolae membrane
Membrane proteins (MPs) play crucial roles in a wide variety of cellular processes. They are involved in numerous pathologies and are thus important drug targets. Their overexpression in heterologous
Programmatic Action in Times of Austerity. Elites' Competition and Health Sector Governance in France, Germany, the UK (England) and the USA (2008-2018).
ProAcTA refines and implements the Programmatic Actor Framework to test the following hypothesis in the US, UK (England), Germany, and France (2008-2018): In the health policy sector of western de
Programmed drug release by rolled-up biopolymer capsules.
The pharmacokinetics of many drugs, namely their resorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination depend on the hour of administration. As the consequence, these drugs are more effective and/or be