Interactive Virtual Cinematography
Les verrous scientifiques et techniques sont: (i) la capacité de générer des points de vues (suggestions) en suivant les règles et conventions de la cinématographie (ii) la capacité à formaliser et représenter des éléments caractéristiques de style et de genre cinématographique (iii) l'intégratio
Learning High-level Representations of large Sparse Tensors
The general direction of the project is to define new ways of representing multi-relational data, with a focus on knowledge bases data, these directed graphs whose nodes corresponds to concepts and edges to relations among them. The main objective of EVEREST ifs to propose methods to model such data
RandOmness in MAthemaTIcal Cryptography
The goal of the research project ROMAnTIC (for RandOmness in MathemaTIcal Cryptography) is to get a better understanding of the interplay between randomness and cryptography and to study the security of various cryptographic protocols at different levels (information-theoretic and computational secu
Computer-Assisted Realistic Drawing
Drawing is a powerful support for creation and communication but requires significant artistic and technical skills to achieve convincing results. Our goal is to facilitate and accelerate drawing for amateurs as well as for expert designers and illustrators, with a particular emphasis on drawing pla
Embedded Graphs and their Oriented Structures
Graph theory was initially about embedded graphs. Indeed, the graphs considered in the Königsberg's Bridges Problem or in the 4-Color Problem are planar (i.e. embedded on the plane without intersection between the curves representing edges). Natural generalizations of planar graphs are graphs embedd
Combinatorics of maps and applications
The project CARTAPLUS aims at uniting a small group of young researchers around questions and objectives that emerged recently in the enumerative combinatorics of maps Our motivation comes from the new directions and interactions that have emerged in recent years between the combinatorics of maps
Mealy machines, automaton (semi)groups, decision problems and random generation
This project is centered on automaton (semi)groups, namely (semi)groups generated by Mealy machines. This possible presentation for (semi)groups has been so far mainly studied by mathematics researchers via geometric group theory. It has not yet been exploited by computer science community although
Quasicrystals cooling: from random tilings to aperiodic tilings
When and how non periodic structures (like quasicrystals) can be described only by their local configurations. Promising simulations, sketched theoretical results Theorical results 1 conference proceeding, 1 book chapter The full title of the proposal QuasiCool is “Quasicrystals cooling: from random
Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources
The community has turned toward ontologies to design semantic indexes of data that leverage the medical knowledge for better information mining and retrieval. However, besides the existence of various English tools, there are considerably less ontologies available in French and there is a strong lac
Air Traffic Optimization via Mixed Integer Computation
The main aim is contributing to the advancement in both modeling stimulating real-life problems arising in air traffic management and developing efficient methods for their solution, using mixed-integer nonlinear optimization. The project fits perfectly within the framework of the research carried
Practical algorithms for ontology-based data access
L’interrogation de données en présence d’ontologie a de nombreuses applications potentielles, mais d’importants défis fondamentaux doivent être surmontés avant que ces techniques puissent être largement adoptées. Ce projet cible les deux verrous scientifiques suivants : 1. Passage à l’éche
Computing with Quantitative Semantics
The project focuses on formal foundations for language-based (especially static) techniques guaranteeing resource-related runtime properties of programs. The project belongs to the research area whose aim is to associate to a program a certification assuring some specific properties. We will derive