Panini and the Paninians of the XVIth-XVIIth centuries
Proposal Abstract This project focuses on Paninian Sanskrit grammar and its history in the 16th and 17th centuries. It aims, on the one hand, to deepen our knowledge of this period known as “pre-modern”, a period especially fertile in the history of Sanskrit culture, but up to now neglected i
Dynamics of Orthographic Processing
There are two major goals of this project: 1) the understanding of the linguistic mechanisms involved in orthography and 2) the identification of the cognitive and psycholinguistic factors underlying learning and mastery of the orthographic system. The project will examine the temporal sequences of
Auditory perception and memory deficits in congenital amusia: towards a multisensory rehabilitation
Music is a universal human trait and ubiquitous in everyday life. However, about 4% of the population is afflicted with a rare perceptual disorder of music perception and production, referred to as congenital amusia. Scientific research about this lifelong disorder has developed only recently, and i
The remains of a blue day: Synesthesia and language as MULTIModal EXpertise
Synesthesia is a fascinating phenomenon, because it is a normal condition that concerns the intimacy of subjective experience, shared probably by about 5% of the population. It offers a unique opportunity to study the neural bases of subjective experience, drawing on individual differences just like
Influence of phonological development and input on first words
As frequently described, child’s early productive lexicon is quantitatively and qualitatively very different from the adult language. Between 1 and 3 years-old, his/her lexicon is particularly limited and his/her first word production can be very far from the adult target. Several factors influence
Plasticity and Multimodality in Oral Communication for the Deaf
The major goal of the PlasMody project is to better understand the mechanisms of speech perception and production in deaf before and after cochlear implantation. A specific emphasis will be made on the role of multisensory interactions and crossmodal compensation in the access to orality by cochlear
what makes neonates walking?
The ultimate goal of this proposal is to develop interventions for infants with locomotor disabilities that are more effective and can be initiated at birth. The first step is to establish with typically developing infants the most effective sensory stimuli for promoting locomotion at birth and duri
Mind in meaning construction: Reference markers, prosody and gesture
The general aim of this research project is to determine the role that attribution of mental states (e.g. intention, belief, knowledge) to others - also called theory of mind (ToM) or mindreading – plays in meaning construction with a multidisciplinary approach. Theory of mind is the ability to form
Perceptual and cognitive processes after partial or total loss of macular vision : towards a more ecological approach
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment among the elderly in industrialized countries, affecting about 30% of people above the age of 70; about 1.5 million people in France. The most frequent type of AMD (atrophic) is currently untreatable. AMD affects the re
Hearing the Temporal Fine Structure of Sounds
Almost 5 to 8 million people suffer from cochlear hearing loss in European countries such as France, Great Britain or Germany. Most of these people complain about strong difficulties in understanding speech in adverse listening conditions, even when clinical audiometry indicates a mild form of heari