Analyse de l'organisation et du d?veloppement de circuits neuronaux par une approche d'ing?nierie g?n?tique
Memory of single odorant or odorant mixture in the newborn rabbit: Time-course, mechanisms and functions
Perception of food results from the detection and integration of complex odours. This is true from a very young age. Although decisive in terms of health and well-being, the mechanisms governing this perception remain weakly known. In mammals, maternal odours help the newborn to locate the nipples a
A new model for tinnitus generation and its therapeutic implications
0 0 0 0 According to the World Health Organization, hearing loss represents a major sensory deficit. Indeed, hearing loss is largely prevalent in the general population, and can impair dramatically life quality; its social-economic impact is as great as other public health problems such as alcoholis
Inferring a brain model based based on multi-protocol functional neuroimaging data.
Neuroimaging produces huge amounts of complex data that are used to better understand the relations between brain structure and function. While the acquisition and analysis of this data is getting standardized in some aspects, the neuroimaging community is still largely missing appropriate tools to
Deciphering LGI1-related epilepsy using conditional knockouts
A fraction of epilepsies are inherited with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Mutations in genes encoding ion channels, proteins involved in the regulation of neuronal excitability, are responsible in the majority of the cases. In this project, we will focus on a focal familial epilepsies c
Presubicular head direction cells - cellular properties and synaptic connectivity
The coding of space involves an extended network of several brain regions. This project focuses on presubiculum, a small neuronal network that signals spatial information and in particular the orientation of the head. Understanding cognitive brain function is one of the most important questions in n
Development of new preclinical imaging modalities to study the dynamics of cellular interactions in rodent models of CNS pathology.
Many cell types interact sequentially in the central nervous system and control in a synergistic way the evolution of pathologies. The dynamics of these interactions as well as their consequences, are still little known, because of the lack of resolution of noninvasive imaging modalities. My objecti
Cellular and molecular analysis of GnRH-1 neuronal development: insights into hypogonadotropic hypogonadisms.
Infertility is a devastating condition that affects several million couples worldwide. Experts forecast that infertility will double in Europe over the next decade. There is thus an urgent need to elucidate the molecular and cellular pathways underlying reproduction and, in particular, the neuroendo
Unraveling modular information processing in cerebellar microcircuits
We postulate that targeting and identifying individual cerebellar modules will establish the fundamental rules in functional synaptic organization of the cerebellar modular system. Intramodular and communication between modules could then be discriminated for electrophysiological studies. Our idea i
Selective modulation of activated astrocytes: In vivo monitoring by magnetic resonance and contribution to neuronal death in Huntington’s disease
We propose to develop molecular tools to assess the contribution of reactive astrocytes to neurodegenerative diseases in vivo and validate brain imaging techniques to track astrocyte status in situ. This translational project will provide (1) preclinical molecular tools to modulate the status of ast
Glia, Glutamate and Chemosensory Behavior
For decades, glial cells were largely neglected in neuroscience. Although glia total number is considerable in the adult human brain, they were traditionally been viewed as support cells for neurons. Recent emerging data are more and more changing this point of view. Our previous work on Drosophila