Ontogeny of gesture & brain lateralization in baboons: A developmental model of hemispheric specialization for language?
Human language is an unique communicative system involving mostly the left hemisphere of the brain. Such a lateralization is visible at the structural level, even at birth, in key cortical language areas, such as the perisylvian Planum Temporale (PT) and its main connecting fiber tract with Broca’s
PeRception and Integration Of sensoRy information in Early PSYchosis
Psychosis is one of the mental disorders with the largest impact due to high personal and family costs. Building research at the very beginning of the psychotic process is crucial to give access to core pathophysiological features of the disease before all the pathological processes are fixed and be
Grammar Learning Techniques for L2: effects of retrieval and spaced practice
Two learning techniques have been shown to be most efficient when it comes to remembering things: (1) retrieval practice, also known as the testing effect, i.e., consciously trying to retrieve an item from memory instead of simply rereading or restudying it, and (2) distributed or spaced practice, i
Biscriptuality and its impacton graphomotor coordination
Biscriptuality - the ability to write in two different scripts - is becoming more and more widespread. Recent evidence from our consortium suggests that biscriptuals have better graphomotor coordination than monoscriptuals. The aim of this project is to understand the neuro-cognitive organization un
the Role of thE SenSe of Agency for the development of Communication
The Sense of Agency (SoA) refers to the subjective experience of being in control of one’s own actions and their consequences. Influential theories about speech development implicitly assume that infants must already have a SoA over their own vocalizations (SoA-V) in order to understand how communic
Sign Language’ Syntax and Acquisition
This project aims at filling the gap in describing (French) Sign Language Syntax and its Acquisition (SiLSA). A first necessary step in this direction will be descriptive, as a lot is still unknown regarding French Sign Language (Langue des Signes Française, LSF)’s syntax, especially when it comes t
Using iLLUSIONS to boost SOcial cognition
Humans have developed amazing abilities aimed at supporting inter-individual interactions (i.e. social cognition) that are essential for many daily life activities. There are many obstacles that can interfere with the functioning of social cognition. In anxious or conflicting situations for example,
Evidence-Based Interventions for Autism: Clinical Trials (EBIA-CT)
This project aims to promote a transformative change in the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge on the effects of interventions for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which is one of the most common condition in child and adolescent mental health services and the focus of t
Social Cognition deficits in SpinoCerebellar Ataxia: A neuropsychological and neuroimaging study
Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is a group of autosomal dominantly inherited disorders that are the consequences of the degeneration of the cerebellum and cerebellar connections. These brain lesions are hypothesized to affect not only the sensorimotor functions but also socio-cognitive abilities. The g
Development of Time-Space Perception in (A-)Typical Children; analyse of Interferences and Modelling.
The main issue addressed in this project revolves around the interaction between time and space perception and their developmental interferences. The project aims to understand these interrelations through various sensory modalities and cognitive aspects, aligning with two contrasting hypotheses: th
French melody in language understanding: From native language processing to the acquisition of foreign languages
The main objective of the present research project is to develop one of the most comprehensive views to date of the way French speakers perceive and use native and non-native prosody to understand language. At its end, this project will lead to the elaboration of a multi-level theoretical framework
Predictors of Reading and Spelling Acquisition and Disorders in Children with or without Developmental Language Disorder
Learning to read and spell is a central area of children's development and provides the foundation for lifelong learning. In 2021, learning to read was declared major national cause (“Grande cause nationale”) by the French government. This policy decision was taken because national and international
When? Investigating the representation of temporal predictions and their functional consequences for audition
In a continuous stream of auditory signals, accurately predicting the occurrence of particular events (a noise indicating a danger, or a phoneme that is important for understanding a sentence) is essential for adaptive behavior. These temporal predictions help us to precisely orient attention in tim
The THRESHOLD of desperation: Consequences for individuals and society
Theories of decision making assume that wellbeing, or utility, increases smoothly with increasing income. However, in reality, people are often concerned about discrete catastrophic outcomes such as losing their homes. Thus, there are thresholds of desperation: above these thresholds, they are conce
Sound Intuiting: Developmental, Training, and Neural implications
For centuries sound reasoning has been conceived as a process in which people need to engage in effortful deliberation to correct erroneous intuitions. This influential idea has had far-stretching implications for our view of reasoning development, remediation, and the neural basis of reasoning. In
Intergenerational transmission of Math Learning Disability: Neural mechanisms and behavioral moderators
The goal of GENMATH is to understand how Math Learning Disability (MLD), a learning disorder affecting 5% to 10% of children worldwide, may be transmitted from parents to children. GENMATH combines an innovative multivariate intergenerational neuroimaging design with longitudinal analyses of the hom
What distinguishes the imagination of personal future events from imaginary scenarios?
During a typical day, people experience future-oriented thoughts approximately every 16 minutes. These thoughts enable people to anticipate or plan events that may occur in the future, or simply to mentally escape the present. In this stream of projections, questions remain about how people can teas
Using Magic to investigate the role of prior expectations on low-level and high-level reasoning biases
Magicians often trick spectators’ mind by relying on cognitive limitations. Recently, research in psychology has studied the processes at play in magic. The goal of these studies is not only to gain new insight on known cognitive processes but also to uncover those yet unexplored. Although the range
Does interactive coordination foster synchronization skills?
The goal of the current research line is to investigate the interplay between synchronization skills, human interactions, and brain activity. Human functions such as language or music involve complex rhythmic patterns that are learned by imitating and synchronizing in interaction with other people.
Vieillissement et contrôle moteur de la parole
Aging is an inevitable natural process that leads to physiological changes in the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skeletal system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system. It leads to deficits in movement and posture, involving the limbs and torso, but also the speech organs, wh
Communicative efficiency , cognitive constraints and lexical meaning
Languages show certain universal tendencies in the way they choose to lexicalize meanings. These tendencies have often been argued to reflect the fact that, across cultural evolution, languages tend to be optimized for efficient communication. However, they can also be the result of various cogniti
TOP-down influences of action semantics on object VIsual Perception
One of the functional roles of perception is to support interactions with objects that are parts of semantically-coherent environments. Using this functional approach of visual perception, the present project aims at investigating top-down influences from action semantics on the visual perception of
The hidden epidemic: An international response to intimate partner violence-related brain injury
International data on the prevalence of brain injury caused by intimate partner violence (IPV) are scarce, and in France they are inexistent. In an American sample of physical IPV victims, 74% acquired at least one traumatic brain injury and 50% multiple. Keeping in mind one out of every three women
The SOCIAL PRESENCE effects: examining the underlying cognitive processes
The presence of our fellow human beings is the elementary brick of our social context. As members of an eminently social species, considering and assessing the presence of our conspecifics is of crucial importance to us, because others are potential sources of threat, evaluation and comparison. It c
Social and Cognitive Psychology of Inclusive Language.
In France, the masculine is considered a neutral form that should be used for terms applied to both men and women whereas inclusive writing (IW) should be avoided. However, scientific literature relating to both languages with sex-based grammatical gender as French and other languages including natu
Auditory Ecology: Losing and restoring auditory contact with nature
Urban life increases the separation of humans with nature. However, green and blue spaces within cities and preserved nature areas still offer the opportunity to city-dwellers to experience nature, in particular their “soundscapes”, that is complex arrangements of biological and geophysical sounds.
Who is in control? Adaptability of the sense of agency
How does arise the feeling that we are at the origin of our own actions and of their consequences? Such sense of agency (SoA) is central to the fluency of action, responsibility and wellbeing in humans. It is degraded in neuropsychiatric patients suffering from depression or schizophrenia. Uncoverin
Hebbian learning of sequences
Most of our cognitive activities require processing and memorizing sequences of information. Whether sequences of motor gestures, sounds, letters, or words, we memorize them by associating the elements that make up these sequences. The field of implicit statistical learning aims at understanding the
Collective Affects in Theatre
Though sharing emotions at theatre is assumed to be a very common experience, there is to date little scientific evidence supporting this assumption. By pooling together expertise from social cognitivists and philosophers, the present project will constitute the first systematic investigation of the