A Window on Interstellar Dust Evolution: the NIKA2 Images of Nearby Galaxies
The present project proposes to study the millimeter emission of nearby galaxies in order to quantify the timescales of interstellar dust evolution. It will center around the analysis of the data obtained by the large guaranteed time program, IMEGIN, with the state-of-the-art instrument NIKA2, at th
GRAVITY data fitting for general relativity
GRAVITY and the VLTI have transformed optical interferometry with groundbreaking results on the Galactic Center, active galactic nuclei, and exoplanets. Our team’s participation to the instrument has been critical with the design and construction of several key subsystems, including the single-mode
Marine soUndscape in the Southern Indian oCean
The objective of the MUSIC is to analyze 3 years of continuous and low-frequency acoustic data (0-120 Hz) recorded by a widespread network of autonomous hydrophones in the southern Indian Ocean (24S-56S; 55E-81E). The network was deployed in 2020, maintained in 2022 and recovered in 2023 during crui
Innermost Regions of Young Stellar Systems
With more than 5300 exoplanets detected so far, it is clear that planet formation is a robust and efficient process. The current population of known exoplanets exhibits a wide diversity, both in nature (mass, radius) and in architecture: while giant planets can be found at large separations, the mos