Free-space Optical Communications for 6G Aerial-sateLlite networks
The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope
"A theory of regionalization applied to the dynamic of macroregions in contemporary world".
Chemical analysis and manipulation of epitranscriptomic and epigenetic patterns
WOMEN AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES : Innovative Approaches to Biodiversity, Climate and Health in the EU Ultra-Peripheral Regions of the Wider Caribbean.
The Heritage of the Urban Peripheries: Challenges of Safeguarding citizen’s participation in the Context of Metropolisation
Personalized blood pressure control for cognitive health
Advanced Sustainable and Circular Bio-based Multifunctionnal Textiles from high Performance Regenerated Cellulosic Fibers and Blends.
Smart and resilient Buildings for impRoved Energy, Air qualiTy, Health and comfort in a climate change context
Scalable sPectrometer Imager with Digital Electronics Readout for X-rays, towards very large digital monolithic X-ray sensors
DECADOCS: structuring interdisciplinary research in Decadence Studies
Imaginaries, Practices and Memories of Social and Political Activism: from Local to Global (19th-21st)
Virtual assistant for anesthesia and critical care
Innovative Design, Extrapolation, Simulation tools and methods for rare paediatric disease studies addressing regulatory needs
Crop Wild Relatives for a sustainable fruit production in Europe
The Cuneiform Clay Tablet as a Data Capsule for the Ancient Human and Natural Environment
Building diversity, creativity and unity through cultural infusion
Fish Immunology for Food and for Health
Engineering ThermodynAmics iN FluiDic MicrosystEMs
In-situ & Operando orgaNic Electrochemical transistors optical SpectrosCOpies for neuromorphics CMOS circuits