Mountain Vigilance : Forecasting the risk of landslides and debris flows in mountainous areas
The general objective of VIGIMONT is to develop a new service within two existing platforms that provide an alert system for security authorities (Wikipredict and RhyTMME platforms), by adding modules dedicated to real-time debris flows and landslides dynamic vigilance for safety authorities in moun
Electrochemical assay for Heavy Metals trace in Marine Environment by The Peaks ShifT Analysis during catalysis
The EMMETT project proposes the development of a new electrochemical method for metal-trace analysis in the marine environment. This method is more sensitive and more specific than usual stripping techniques and will be investigated in a lab-on-chip with a view for long-term and in situ applications
Ecodesign of district and City Information Models
The projet aims at improving life-cycle based ecodesign tools for districts using new opportunities of geo-localized city information modelling ongoing developments. A literature review will first help to identify important environmental consequences to integrate into environmental evaluation of dis
Linking NANOstructure and macroscopic properties of bitumen to improve their recyclability and ageing: towards a sustainable development of ROAD materials
Bitumen is a complex viscoelastic compound sensitive to its environment. Upon ageing on roads its viscosity increases and its chemical composition is significantly modified. As a consequence, the inclusion of old asphalts, strongly encouraged for sustainable development issues, has a detrimental imp
Seismic monitoring of the Subsurface along Transportation Infrastructure using passive measurement on TeleCOM fiber-Optic
The climate change makes the near-surface geohazards risk mitigation a priority, and there is a need for the monitoring of earth material beneath cities using new sensing strategies. Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is a recent breakthrough in opto-electronics, which allows recording seismic vibra
Optimisation of arsenic-rich MIne wastes phytostabilisation strategies: prediction of impacts on water and pollutants bioavailability to plants linked with MicrObial activities
Securing mining residues represents a major environmental challenge. Most metal mines produced waste containing iron (Fe) and sulfur (S), with the toxic element arsenic (As) present in more than 50% of sites. Phytostabilisation often appears to be an appropriate option for minimising the risks linke
Local pH monitoring at the electrocatalyst surface for modulating products selectivity in denitrification
Nitrate is one of the top 10 drinking water pollutants above the maximum contamination level worldwide. Conventional nitrate removal technologies generate brines or sludge. Denitrification by electrochemical reduction of nitrate/nitrite (ERN) is a more eco-friendly option for reducing nitrate and ni
Integrated sensor systems in CMOS technology for water quality monitoring
Water quality monitoring is a major challenge for drinking water distribution networks as well as for agricultural and agri-food uses. In the context of the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is possible to develop real-time measurements of water quality. After a demonstration of ultra-
Eco engineering of nano-enabled plant protection strategies for sustainable agriculture
How to sustainably feed 10 billion people by 2050? Agriculture relies on pesticides to control diseases, insect pests and weeds. Brazil ranks 3rd on the use of pesticides and France is in 6th place (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization). The use of fertilizers contributes to pollute rive
Optical biosensors based on dielectrophoresis and plasmonics for fast low-detection threshold biosensing
New water management strategies will have to be carried out, accompanied by sanitary real-time monitoring of water resources, in particular for the selective and sensitive detection of pathogens (e.g. bacteria in irrigation waters). Among the existing methods, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPRI) biosen
Iron-based technology for galvanic biodenitrification and galvanic-Fenton process
Human activities can be the source of groundwater or surface water pollution. For example, nitrate (NO3-) pollution, widely used in agriculture as a source of nitrogen, is closely linked to the appearance of "green tides" on the French coasts. IRONTECH develops an electrically self-powered strategy
Satellite imagery strategies for earthquake strong-motion prediction and shakemap generation
Although shakemaps are of great interest for large-magnitude earthquakes where the ground motion is mainly controlled by the rupture on the fault, their relevance for moderate-size events is still questionable. So far, the implemented ground-motion prediction does not have the necessary spatial reso
Self-cleaning ADsorbant TEXtile for sustainable purifier
The project TEXAD aims to bring breakthroughs in air treatment technologies throw the development of a self-cleaning adsorbant textile, designed to limit consumables for a sustainable purifier. The association of an adsorbant and a photocatalyst on a textile incorporating side-lighting optical fibre
AOPs: A powerful tool for nanoplastics mineralization in water
Micro- and nano-sized plastic waste rejected in marine and freshwater bodies have to be considered as environmental contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) as they may cause adverse ecological or human health impacts. They have been detected in freshwaters around the world, including polar regions.
Optical Micro-Sensors for Digital Agriculture
The MICROCAN project aims to propose an integrated infrared optical solution to meet the current objective of reducing the use of phytosanitary inputs in agriculture. It aims to prove the feasibility of optical micro-sensors that will eventually allow early detection of plant diseases, via the detec
Monitoring of Pesticides in Air using Liquid Crystal Sensors
Air pollution by pesticides is a component of atmospheric pollution that remains less documented than other environments (water, soil, food) and represents a topical health problem. Furthermore, there is a lack of tools to monitor respiratory exposure to pesticides during spray application or post a
Airborne thermal infrared data assimilation for wildland fire behavior reanalysis
Monitoring wildfire behavior has recently emerged as a key public policy issue due to the occurrence of extreme events, in particular in the Euro-Mediterranean area that is exposed to more frequent and more severe wildfires under climate change. Key to this monitoring is the development of an event-
BACTerial Signal QUEnching of plant pathogens with Engineered enZymes
Phytopathogenic bacteria are responsible for various diseases in plants including canker, soft rot and fireblight. Considering the economic impact of these pathogens as well as the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and the toxicity of chemical biocides, developing sustainable and environmentally
Innovative Dual-detection sensors for Environmental monitoring of metALs in WATER
Accurate monitoring of trace metals in water is of outmost importance for the environment preservation and for human health. Therefore, there are increasing concerns to develop novel and robust portable sensors in order to control their levels. IDEALWATER project aims to design a novel in-situ devic
Remotely sensed intra-individual leaf biochemistry variability in orchard tree canopies for agroecology
With the increased impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities, one of the most critical vegetation ecosystem service is food supply in a context of worldwide population increase. The difficulty is how to combine a substantial food production, sustainable practices and a viable economy wh
Development of spectroscopic tools to assess the quality of marine environments: application to marine mussels (Mytilus spp.)
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires member states of the European Union to achieve or maintain a good ecological status of the marine environment by 2020. Achieving and maintaining this good ecological status requires an assessment of the marine environment. A major bottleneck resides i