Controlling networks with safety bounded and interpretable machine learning
During the last decade, Software Defined Networking introduced the idea of decoupling control and data planes. From the system side, the key advances include compute-intensive control planes, network virtualisation, data plane programmability, in-network processing with AI accelerators which enable
Planning And leaRning For AI-Edge compuTing (PARFAIT)
New generations of mobile access networks promise low delay and high-speed throughput data connections paired with in-network processing capabilities. IoT data and local information available to users’ devices will feed AI-based applications executed in proximity on edge servers and service composit
Scheduling of Real-tIme Heterogeneous Mulitprocesor Platform
MultiProcessor Systems on Chips (MPSoCs) embedded in real-time systems are made of increasingly specialised computing (CPUs, GPUs, NPU's, etc.). This heterogeneity offers a better use of the resources (processing units, power consumption, etc.) but systems may be harder to predict. Critical real-tim
recommenDer servIce for SusTaInabLe cLoud nativE softwaRe
Cloud computing keeps gaining more and more attraction from companies and stakeholders by offering a flexible and convenient environment to host online software services. Nevertheless, the cloud ecosystem is getting more and more concerned by the environmental footprint of the massive digitalisation
Declarative approach for generating tailored Blockchains
GenBlock aims at democratizing blockchain technologies by relying on a generative approach for producing tailored blockchains matching the functional and non-functional requirements of any practitioner. To reach this objective, we propose in this project to construct of a taxonomy that will accurate
FACTO: A Multi-Purpose Wi-Fi Network for a Low-Consumption Smart Home
The number of smart homes is rapidly expanding worldwide with an increasing amount of wireless IT devices. The diversity of these devices is accompanied by the development of multiple wireless protocols and technologies that aim to connect them. However, these technologies offer overlapping capabili
HiErarchIcal DIsaggregated Scheduling for beyond-5G networks
The entire telecom industry is going through a profound transformation driving the move towards open architectures and software-based networks. This trend is being moved ahead faster and gained momentum thanks to open-source software and standards for communication infrastructure components. On the
Reduced Complexity Techniques and Performance Analysis towards 6G Cell-Free Massive MIMO
Distributed antenna systems (DAS) are expected to play a fundamental role in next generation wireless systems. In DASs, access points (AP) are distributed over a wide area and connected to a centralized processing unit. They present great potential to enhance spectral and power efficiency compared
Simultaneous Sensing, Localization And mapping at Mm-waves (S2LAM)
The project aims the development of novel wireless Simultaneous Sensing, Location and Mapping (S²LAM) system, based on passive sensing at millimetre-Waves (mmWaves) as a part of 6G infrastructure. The main idea is to exploit mmwave frequencies in order to remotely identify and localize passive (or
Machinæ pluribus unum - (make) one machine out of many
Cloud and high-Performance architectures are increasingly heteregenous and incorporate often specialized hardware. We have first seen the generalization of GPUs in the most powerful machines, followed a few years later by the introduction of FPGAs. More recently we have seen nascence of many other a
Interoperable and Confident Set-based Proof Assistants
Formal deductive methods aim at improving the quality of software by relying on tools based on strong mathematical grounds, like set theory. Those tools allow the user to prove the properties that ensure the correctness of a software with respect to its specification. When human safety is at stake,
Non-diffractive Bessel beams: novel paradigm for path-loss free near-field wireless links
On a daily basis, we all experience the seamless connectivity of our society. Mobile terminals as laptops, tablets, or smart phones allow us to work and interact with remote peers and machines without bothering in traveling or plugging our terminal. Wireless links are the enabling technology for the
Multi/many-core and gpu combined wcet analysis, Scheduling and Compilation techniques for Autonomous vehicle applications based on Neural networks
Machine learning methods based on neural networks (NNs) have made tremendous progress in the past years. In particular computer vision, data fusion and motion planning applications are being successfully developed for autonomous vehicles. However, the computer systems controlling such vehicles are c
Robust and effective online Federated Learning
Mobile internet use has already surpassed desktop use since several years ago, and the gap continues to widen every year. The large amounts of mobile generated data can be leveraged through different Machine Learning techniques for high quality and more personalized internet services. In this contex
Enhancing B Language Reasoners with SAT and SMT Techniques
The BLaSST project targets bridging combinatorial and symbolic techniques in automatic theorem proving, in particular for proof obligations generated from B models. It focuses on advancing the state of the art in automated reasoning, in particular SAT and SMT techniques, and on making these techniqu
FAult-aware timing behaviour for safety-critical multicore SYstems
The safety-critical embedded industries, such as avionics, automobile, robotics and health-care, require guarantees for hard real-time and correct application execution. As applications become more complex, their computational demands scale rapidly, requiring architectures with multiple processing e
Drone fleet for monitoring pollution plumes in emergencies
The DRON-MAP project focuses on the use of cooperative UAV networks for pollution plume monitoring in emergency situations (industrial accidents, natural disasters, deliberate terrorist releases, etc.). The deployment of a UAV network in these situations face different scientific and technical chall
DOLL: Efficient DOwnLink Communication for Increased LoRaWAN Capacity
One of the most representative technologies for long-range networks, LoRaWAN, has gained global momentum. Telecommunication operators like Bouygues Telecom, Orange, and KPN have deployed several thousand LoRaWAN gateways each to accelerate innovation in areas such as smart cities, environmental moni
Steerable Light Antenna for Enhanced QoS Cell-Free LiFi Networks
LiFi is seen as a relevant connectivity solution to cope with the traffic explosion expected with 5G and even more with 6G. LiFi systems currently used for indoor network access, for example in offices, are based on the concept of cells generated by access points (APs) installed in the ceiling. By d
Automatic Task-Based Parallelization with Speculative Execution
The performance increase of supercomputers is supported by the use of manycore processors and accelerators. Their efficient use and programmability require a high degree of expertise. Computer research activities have evolved in different directions, sometimes orthogonal, to allow non-expert develop
Usage-Driven Software Library Evolution
Software systems development typically entails the use of external software libraries. Just like any software, libraries evolve to incorporate new features, bug fixes, security patches, and refactorings, and clients must stay up-to-date with the libraries they use to benefit from these improvements.
AI-aided FEC code design and decoding
The AI4CODE project brings together 6 research team with strong expertise in the design, decoding and standardization of forward-error-correction codes. The aim is to develop skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and to explore how learning techniques can contribute to the improvem
OCRE: Lowering the cost of debugging with the first generation of object-centric debuggers
Debugging is difficult and costly. Object-centric debugging is a young technique arguing that focusing the scope of debugging on specific objects considerably eases the tracking and the understanding of hard bugs in Object-Oriented Programs (OOP). But it lacks fundamental bricks to be applicable i