Evaluation of the impact on PILes response during Tunneling
Within Grand Paris Express, the integration of tunnels dug in urban environments to create new public transport lines can lead to disorders on existing deep foundations. No recommendations are available to propose static and dynamic reliable numerical calculation.In the case of boring machine and it
Optical identification and modeling of the nonlinear dynamics of timber buildings
In various cities worldwide high-rise wood building represent a performant offer for sustainable cities and ecological transition. Dynamics of such structures highlights specific non linearities and relatively large vibration amplitudes. Building software and regulations are under evolution in ord
Natural Geotextiles in green road infrastructures
Petrosourced geotextiles have been widely used for several decades in road structures, in particular for separation function. They preserve the characteristics of the subgrade by limiting contamination by fine materials from the fill layer. They are of economic and ecological interest, both because
Study of new urban transport mode and user behaviors
The multiplication of these personal devices, with many individual and collective benefits, alongside traditional modes of travel leads to new mobility situations: new users, new behaviors, and new risky situations. The statistics show a recent increase in accidents for these users (ONISR, 2020). A
Modeling of street trees for urban micro-climatology
Transpiration is a physiological phenomenon whereby a tree emits water into the air in gaseous form, via the stomata of its leaves, to ensure photosynthesis and, at the same time, regulate its temperature. Transpiration also activates the circulation of sap from the roots to all the plant's organs.
This research project involves the international comparison of different capital cities to study the place and role of political power and global urban governance in the creation, making and development of capital cities as well as the impacts of grassroots claims and demands about urban and environ
Event camera for the perception of fast objects around Autonomous vehicles
In recent years, research and experimentation on autonomous vehicles have multiplied, with autonomous vehicles being one of the major challenges of tomorrow's mobility. In the near future, users will have access to fleets of shared autonomous vehicles that can be booked at any time via a smartphone,
Multimodal Transit for Accessibility and Sustainability
Transit has a crucial role in the economics and the society of urban conurbations. To drive its evolution toward environmental sustainability and better user-centric performance, we envision optimally integrating new (Auto- mated) Mobility on Demand and classic Fixed Route Transit. This calls for a
Autonomous navigation among personal mobility devices
Urban centers are increasingly invaded by new means of individual electric transport (electric scooters, Hoverboard, Gyro-wheel, ...) at the source directly or indirectly of new erratic and unpredictable behavior in the traffic environment. The "Mobility Act 2019" provides for the use of scooters t
Diagnosis, Design & Managment of urban overheating during heatwaves: cross-fertilization of microclimatic simulation tools and IRT imaging
In addition to the heatwaves linked to climate change, cities also experience overheating during the summer, due to the urban heat island phenomenon (higher temperatures in the city than in urban areas, particularly at night, due to the urban layout). Local authorities need tools to identify the act
SHIPping emission's contribution to AIR pollution in urban harbor area
Shipping is an essential transport infrastructure, with 80% of our goods undergoing overseas transport. However shipping emissions have impacts on climate change and on air quality, through the emission of gaseous (SO2, NOx, CO2, VOCs…) and particulate (PM) pollutants, particularly important for hig
Bioinspired Polymeric Structures for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling
Cities consume about 75% of the world's primary energy and are responsible for almost 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The planning and use of urban areas have a significant impact on energy performance in terms of consumption and production, microclimate and especially heat waves which are a
Towards biobased concretes with tailored properties
To address the challenge of climate disruption, the upcoming French national building regulations (RE2020) will require a drastic reduction of the carbon impact of buildings and a steep improvement of their energy performances. To meet these challenges, biobased materials, produced from biomass, ar
Multi-scale approach of Hygrothermal and Pollutant Behavior of Bio-based Building Materials
Indoor air quality (IAQ) and hygrothermal comfort are health issues and are two of the important elements taken into account in the French regulation-RE 2020. The project HygroPo-BBM proposes a multi-scale approach (micro-macro) to model the hygrothermal and pollutant behavior of bio-based building
Electric, Energy Efficient and Autonomous Vehicle
The transition to electric vehicles (EV) is already well underway. The technologies for EV modules, such as electric motors, power electronics, batteries, and regenerative braking systems, are rapidly improving. However, some of the main obstacles include weak autonomy, long charging time, lack of c
SYstemic approach for the assessment of the impact of urban Mobility on EXposures to environmental POllutions
The SYMEXPO project aims to develop a systemic approach for assessing the impact of urban mobility on exposure to noise and atmospheric pollutants, based on a modelling framework where a city dweller is represented as a mobile agent evolving in a pollution field subject to spatial and temporal varia
Near-fault observation and simulation of earthquake ground motion in an urban environment
This project goes beyond the current seismic risk assessment practice, incorporating recent progresses made in earthquake data observation and numerical modelling. The key scientific questions are (1) how the spatial variability of the near-field seismic ground motion impacts the soil and the struct
Hybrid FWFI/AI process for the automatic detection, 3D location and classification of embedded utiliities by electromagnetic techniques
The detection and localization of utility networks in an urban setting has over the past few years become a topic of major interest. Standards (i.e. NF S 70-003) require a recognition of utility lines and an accurate location to within 11 cm conducted by certified service companies. According to fee
In-situ measurement of the thermal RESistance of highly INsulated walls and BIO-based walls
To tackle energy and environmental issues, major advances are expected in the Building sector. Reliable in-situ thermal characterization of buildings before and after a renovation action are required. Moreover, construction must be more "sustainable", notably by using bio-sourced materials and raw e
LearningHome: Cooperative and active learning for the responsible improvement of energy practices in the residential sector
Although the progress in the efficiency of residential buildings, the consumption does not decrease as expected. Solution for involving inhabitants in sobriety and flexibility have already been proposed but they rely on site knowledge models. However each site is unique because of its architecture,
Tackling Air Pollution in the Global South Cities – A Comparative Analysis of Governance Challenges, Lessons and Prospects
Air pollution is a global environmental and health problem. Although it has become a major concern in the large cities of the Global South, few of them manage to tackle this pollution effectively. This multidisciplinary project proposes to better understand what causes such hindrance by analyzing th
Subaltern Urbanization in the Touristic Mountains of Southern and South-Eastern Asia
Small and medium-sized cities account for more than half of Asia's population, yet they remain largely unstudied, especially when compared to large cities. Looking at hill stations founded during the colonial period in India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia, URBALTOUR intends to fill this
Permeability evolution of granular soils in an internal erosion context
France relies on a significant stock of hydraulic structures with more than 9 000 km of protection against flooding, 8 000 km of dikes for navigation canals and 1 000 km of hydroelectric canals. The number of small embankment dams is around several tens of thousands, while the number of large dams a
Combining Evidential Theory and Deep Learning for autonomous vehicle perception
This project concerns the progressive change of the urban mobility paradigm from massive human-driven cars to autonomous vehicles. In this context, autonomous vehicles need to have a valuable and robust perception of their surrounding environment, particularly by detecting, classifying and tracking
Air pollution mitigation actions for megacities in Africa : Abidjan, as a real world laboratory study
Project APIMAMA (Air PollutIon Mitigation Actions for Megacities in Africa: Abidjan, as a real-world laboratory study) Key words: air pollution, exposure, sanitary risks, particulate pollution, vulnerability, emissions, attenuation, adaptation, infrastructures, mobility, ecosystemic approach, susta
Home service operations planning with employees preferences and uncertainty
HOPES project aims at addressing multi-period employee scheduling and routing problems for home services operations planning. HOPES will propose innovative decision-support-tools to solve these complex problems including working regulations, individual preferences, and different sources of uncertai
City Logistics In Transition - a Crossed Analysis BRUSSELS - PARIS - CASABLANCA - NOUAKCHOTT
Commercial flows (deliveries to shops, restaurants, individual and business customers) supply urban areas and are so integrated to the way cities function that they become barely noticeable. They are often considered to be a source of road congestion and pollution. Yet, throughout the world, they ar