The Social Production of Space and Age – A French-German Dialogue towards New Theoretical Approaches and Research Pathways
The SPAGE research has three complementary objectives: 1) To carry out a systematic comparison of theories on the relationship between ageing and space in France and Germany. This comparison will then lead to the development of a common general theoretical framework for interpreting the relationsh
Kition-Idalion-Tamassos: cities and territories within Cypriot kingdoms during the first millennium BC
The main objective is to renew the study of the Cypriot kingdoms of Cyprus by carrying out the analysis on a regional scale, on three well-documented kingdoms on which the project partners are working: Kition (Lyon team), Idalion (team from Berlin) and Tamassos (Frankfurt team). The change in scale
Complex Predicates in Languages: Emergence, Typology, Evolution
Although the term “complex predicates” is well established in linguistics, it is still a theoretical challenge. Complex predicates are generally defined as sequences of phonologically independent words, which together behave like a single predicate; but this definition covers a broad range of constr
Unequal mandate responsiveness? How electoral promises and their realizations target groups in France and Germany
Political equality is a core requirement and a key principle of democracy. However, research casts serious doubt on the realization of this ideal and points to “unequal responsiveness”. This project examines political (in-)equality in France and Germany through the lens of group representation, with
A European Leap? The History of EC/EU Environmental Policy, 1980–2000 (ELEMENT)
A European Leap? The History of EC/EU Environmental Policy, 1980–2000 (ELEMENT) investigates the rise of the European Union (EU) and its predecessors to become a highly influential actor on environmental issues. Today, many scholars claim that the EU’s powers in this field do not just supersede
franco-german constellation research Max Scheler digital
The current popularity of Scheler's philosophy is supported by a re-evaluation of his fundamental contributions to the theory of intersubjectivity, the philosophy of feelings and the theory of values. However, many reinterpretations do not see Scheler as an isolated thinker but consider him an autho
Latin Biblical Poetry from Late Antiquity to the Middle Age (4th-13th c.) between intertextuality and grammatical reception
PoBLAM is an abbreviation for “Poésie Biblique Latine de l’ Antiquité au Moyen-Âge (IVe-XIIIe s.) entre intertextualité et réception grammaticale“ – Latin Biblical Poetry in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (4th-13th century) between Intertextuality and Grammatical Reception. PoBLAM results from the co
Desindustrialisisation in France and Germany: Experiences and Emotionen from the early 1960s to the present time. The Unmaking of the Working Class?
Directed by Stefan Berger, Emmanuel Droit et Fabian Lemmes, DesinEE defines itself as a research program dedicated to a comparative and transnational history of Deindustrialization as socio-political and emotional experiences of the transformation of the working-class culture from the early 1960s t
Aesthetics of Protestantism in Scandinavia from the 19th to the 21st century
The project aims to analyze the significance of Protestantism for the aesthetics of Nordic cultures. The Reformation was established in the Nordic countries statewide within a few decades and Protestantism is still or was very until recently institutionalized as the state religion. The fundamental t
Unlocking the Hidden Value of Seals: New Methodologies for Historical Research in Byzantine Studies
Byzantine Studies, the field of the Humanities which investigates the history and culture of the Eastern Christian medieval empire centred upon Constantinople (4th to 15th C.), have been historically forged by cooperation between French and German scholars. Compared to the Classical and Western medi
A crossed history of painted ceilings : France-Germany, 1600-1800
The project aims to examine the historical, cultural, formal and technical phenomenon of the proliferation of painted and sculpted ceiling decorations in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe. Germany and France lend themselves to this investigation: the numerous selective and various studies a
Who Became a Nazi? A Structured Database of the Denazification Questionnaires from French and American Occupation Zones in Germany, 1945–1949
What led Germans to support and join the Nazi party? Did they benefit materially from their membership? And how did they justify their choices? Nazi ideology caused a world war and one of the deadliest genocides in history. About 8.5 million Germans were members of the Nazi party (NSDAP). Howeve
English Root Stress across Frameworks – Guierre Meets Analogy
This project serves to (a) promote our current understanding of regularities in English word stress, and (b) foster dialogue and collaboration between theoretical frameworks across research traditions, Guierrian theory and analogy-based theories of phonological grammar. How is stress assigned in E
Material as an actor in transcultural networks between France and Germany in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern era
The project investigates the agency of artistic materials as a factor in cross-border Franco-German cultural networks. Specifically, this study focusses on the example of the exchange of the raw material alabaster and of alabaster artworks between France and Germany around ca. 1350-1650, i.e. during