Computational Language Documentation by 2025
The main objective of the CLD2025 project is to facilitate the urgent task of documenting endangered languages by leveraging the potential of computational methods. A breakthrough is now possible: machine learning tools (such as artificial neural networks and Bayesian models) have improved to a poin
User practices on music streaming platforms
How streaming platforms influence music listening habits? What can the massive amounts of listening data collected by these platforms reveal about contemporary music listening practices? How do musical consumption and listening habits evolve in an era of unlimited offer and personalized smart recom
Analysis and tRansformation of Singing style
The study of singing style in popular music is an emerging branch in musicology, while effects related to singing style have become a central part of the majority of popular music productions making use of the few effect plugins that are available today. ARS aims to establish a mutually beneficial c
Access to informational content of texts by children
The TextToKids project fits into this paradigm. It aims to study the linguistic and psycholinguistic characteristics conducive to an optimal understanding of information content by children and to propose automatic language processing (NLP) software bricks that integrate these characteristics. The p
Multimedia archives enhancement: multimodal machine comprehension of language for new intelligent interfaces of scientific and cultural mediation
Digital technology transforms the way people access knowledge, which remain difficult to reach despite numerous attempts to index and structure texts, videos and images according to structured repositories. Often presented as functional lists, search results interfaces offer few navigation and explo
Vibrotactile Mediation for Shared Musical Practices
The Staccato project is part of the current field of research on vibrotactile perception and on digital and electroacoustic tools for its implementation, within the framework of shared musical practice. Two complementary uses of vibrotactile stimuli are considered: as a sensory feedback for control
Gender Equality Monitor
GEM project aims to describe automatically representation and treatment differences existing between women and men in the French-language media such as TV, radio, newspapers and song lyrics collections. The ambition of this project is to analyze several million documents sampled over a period of mo
Visualization, perception and pedagogy of lighting through innovative numerical displays
This project will produce knowledge that will lead to new tools for assisting building professionals (architects, engineers, developers) and educators in their decision making and teaching processes: the possibility of a sensory approach of lighting through innovative visualization displays. In this
Structures: hierarchical motion representation for stylized rendering
The Structures project proposes to study new approaches for the creation of stylized animated films in connection with traditional artistic practices. Our environment is surrounded by images and films. Stylized images carry the visual identity and atmosphere of an artistic movement, an artist or a b
Detecting corruption in public procurement
The societal benefits of opening up public data are expected to be huge. This is particularly true with Public Procurement Data which are supposed to help discover and dismantle corrupt activities by facilitating critical information, tools, and mechanism for judicial enforcement. In a multidiscipli
French-Speaking Digital Literature : identification, indexing and analysis of digital literature works
The LIFRANUM project aims at identifying and structuring the corpus of digital literatures (sites, blogs, social networks) in Francophonie . This patrimonial dimension is coupled with an epistemological inquiry into the literarity of the identified contents and the dynamics of new sociabilities.
Indexing scientific literature through semantic expansion
Scientific digital libraries play a key role in the development and dissemination of the scientific literature. However, navigating and searching in these libraries still remains a laborious and time-consuming activity, owing to a shallow and inefficient indexing of scientific articles. This results
Signals of Trust in Digitized Paintings and Texts: Can Social Cognition Inform Cultural History?
A number of historical observations suggest that social trust rose steadily in Europe from the early modern period onwards: religious tolerance increased, witch hunts abated, honour killings and revenge lost their appeal and intellectual freedom became a central value of modern countries. Historians
Behaviours and collective spatial representations in urban areas: Incidence of instrumental and shared mapping in pedestrian navigation situations
Behaviours and collective spatial representations in urban areas: Incidence of instrumental and shared mapping in pedestrian navigation situations The practice of walking in urban areas has been considerably transformed since the arrival of instrumental mapping tools like Google Maps. After seve
The Geometry of Public Issues
GOPI introduces a new geometric approach for the modeling and visualization of the trajectory of public problems as they unfold in heterogeneous public spaces. The project objectives are both applied and methodological. We will target three case studies all related to health-related problems in Fra