Rethinking Risk Elicitation Tasks
Risk is an important component of decision making. Risk attitudes play a crucial role in a variety of settings, from insurance, financial decision making, education and career choices, to development and public policy. The accurate measure of risk preferences is of large importance in both theoretic
The baby's cry: An integrative approach
Crying is the primary signaling strategy available to the human newborn for eliciting parental care. Yet, we only have superficial understanding of the information carried by cries, and of how this information modulates parents’ interpretation and response to cries. Using modern tools of sound proce
INdividual personality traits and emotion in the Perception-ACTion Loop
Emotions, far from being passive, can be viewed as an interface between an individual and the environment, i.e. preparing the body to act through action tendencies such as approach or avoidance behavior. However, despite this functional significance, emotions are almost ne
Probabilistic Semantics and Pragmatics - Approximation, Hyperboles, Quantity Implicatures,
The interpretation of linguistic utterances depends on both their linguistically encoded meaning and on pragmatic inferences that derive from a reasoning about the speaker’s communicative intentions. Formal pragmatics, in the last decades, has involved two different approaches: a) formal semantics,
New-generation Psychometric Tools for Characterizing Hearing efficiency and its deficits
The societal burden of hearing loss will worsen as life expectancy increases: virtually every one of us will experience it at some point in their life. Current design of hearing aids is supported by audiometric tests that do not capture the full complexity of hearing loss, leading to unsatisfactor
Stone-age memory in a modern world: Further evidence from contamination effects
The ANR-SAM project aims to study contamination effects in memory in depth at two levels: «ultimate« and «proximal«. First, we will study the various contextual characteristics that can potentially generate this memory effect (ultimate aspects). Next, we will try to identify the mechanisms underlyin
Anchoring Foreign Language Learning
Learning and mastering a foreign language (FL) is one of the greatest challenges that we, as kids and adults, have to deal with. This is especially true in our ever-increasing multilingual society, wherein we interact with people from all over the world or have to migrate to another country for prof
Sensory, Motor and Cognitive plasticity in adults
Neuroplasticity, the capability of the brain to change its function and structure according to environmental pressures, is maximal during development and decreases with age at a different rate for different brain areas. Sensory cortices are thought to become hard-wired in adulthood, whereas higher l
False memories across the lifespan
FALSELIFE addresses this challenge from an innovative perspective by examining the role of WM in the formation of false memories. False memory is well-established LTM phenomenon in which semantically related associates are confidently and falsely remembered as studied items (e.g., Roediger & McDermo
Optimizing Insights into Cognitive Control Abilities through the Lens of Stroop Interference: Behavioral, Electrophysiological and fMRI Investigations of its Distinct Components.
Because cognitive control abilities greatly predict successful cognitive functioning and quality of life across the lifespan, their deeper understanding and optimization are of paramount importance. A major scientific barrier to these desirable end-states is that the most commonly used indicator of
Access to perceptual ambiguity: Behavioral, metacognitive, and physiological measures of perception under conditions of uncertainty
In the current project, we propose to investigate the nature and conditions of access to stimulus ambiguity. We will examine three main factors: the characteristics of the stimulus; its context; the expertise of observers. We will also collect different measures of access to ambiguity: behavioral pe
Why preschool fails to level the playing field? Examining the role of language interactions in the classroom and assessing an intervention for teachers.
France is one of the countries where socio-economic status (SES) has the greatest influence on academic achievement. This influence of SES is observed very early during development as at the age of 2 low SES children already have lower verbal skills than high SES children. In France, preschool is de
Adapting linguistic representations during social interactions: a dynamic view of spoken human communication
The project seeks to address the question of how communication shapes people’s mental representations and whether people’s states of mind become increasingly similar as they interact due to linguistic representation adaptation. The purpose of the project is to examine whether spoken human communicat
From lip- to script-reading: An integrative view of audio-visual associations in language processing
The relationship between “lip-reading” and “script-reading” will be investigated in three main aspects: 1) Underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms: Do the association between speech and articulatory gestures and the association between speech and orthography rely on some common cognitive and ne
Third-party moral evaluation: Cognitive conflict resolution as the keystone of judgments of accidental moral transgressions
The purpose of the AXICONF project is to provide new insights - with the help of a multitude of methodological approaches - on how people resolve the internal conflict they experience when they judge accidental harms. The cognitive conflict triggered when observing an accidental harm stems from the
Odors shape the early development of face perception: EEG signatures in the infant brain
Human infants need to apprehend much novel sensory information to rapidly engage in adaptive social communication and develop efficient social cognition. In particular, making sense of others’ faces is a challenging task for the immature infant visual system that requires experience to reach full ac
Beginning Teachers’ Motivation Trajectory: a developmental approach to understand its evolution during the transition from initial training to the first years in the profession
While the French Ministry of Education has engaged a massive policy of teacher’s recruitment since 2013, the index figure published in 2017 by the Senate show that the number of resigning preservice teachers in the first degree has tripled since 2012. At the same time, the overall number of resignin
Gestures for the pedagogy of intonation
This project proposes pedagogical innovations and experimentations for the use of gesture in learning intonation control, through computer-human interfaces. Mastering vocal source modulation through laryngeal control – “intonation” in a broad sense, encompassing here fundamental frequency, voice qua
A new tool for the assessment of Speech Sound Disorders in French-speaking children
Children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) ‘‘can have any combination of difficulties with perception, articulation/ motor production, and/or phonological representation of speech segments (consonants and vowels), phonotactics (syllable and word shapes), and prosody (lexical and grammatical tones, r
Visual cognitive style in autism : evaluation and repercussions
Heterogeneous profiles in Autism Spectrum (AS) have often been reported. One way to account for this heterogeneity is to distinguish AS individuals with and without speech onset delay (AS-SOD and AS-NoSOD). In fact, certain studies show superior abilities in visual tasks for AS-SOD individuals. In t