Smart IoT for Mobility - Towards Automation of Value Chains by Adopting Smart Contracts within IoT platforms
The objectives of the project "Smart IoT for Mobility" (SIM) are to work on IoT-type architectures - so low computing capacity, very low power, small footprint – and to have access to blockchains, Smart Contracts while at the same time being very understandable by the users, accepted by these same u
DATAcenter with Zero Emission, one step beyond !
Over the last decade, several companies and universities have investigated the possibilities of using renewable energies to decrease the large amount (around 200 TWh) of brown energy classically used by datacenters. Pioneering companies have managed to fuel their datacenters with renewable energies
Fidelity in Reactive Systems Design and Compilation
FidelR focuses on the application of Interactive Theorem Provers (namely Coq) to the languages used for Model-Based Development of embedded control software and to the correctness of their compilers. Two related aspects would be studied. First, we would extend the formally verified Vélus compiler wi
Knowledge-based fog-scale configurations
Recently, fog computing has become a major trend in the area of large-scale distributed systems. This paradigm promotes the seamless integration of cloud computing services and IoT devices, resulting in a highly configurable environment where services and devices interact together and evolve over ti
Quasi Cyclic Small Packet
The publication of 3GPP Release 15 in June 2018 paved the way for the new 5G air interface, making a new step towards the new generation of mobile networks. The work on the development of a new radio interface dedicated to Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity should then start in 2020. It is expect
Provable Mitigation of Side Channel through Parametric Verification
The Spectre vulnerability has recently been reported, which affects most modern processors. The idea is that attackers can extract information about the private data using a timing attack. It is an example of side channel attacks, where secure information flows through side channels unintentionally.
Fair Online Social Platform Engineering
Online social networks (OSN) constitute a principal way for users to communicate online, share content and get informed. They tend to replace to a certain extent traditional media such as tv and the press. There exist numerous platforms that differ in the service they offer, but most of them share a
Multi-layer Orchestration for Secured and low lAtency applICatiOns
For several years, programmability has become increasingly important in network architectures. A first generation of programmable networks was born ten years ago with the Software Defined Networking (SDN) concept and its implementations (OpenFlow) which offers a first level of control plane programm
Enhancing EventB and RODIN: EventB-Rodin-Plus
The development of complex (software-based) systems requires multi-view system modelling involving different scientific disciplines and skills. For instance, in the case of autonomous systems, modelling behaviours and interactions of different systems may require control theory concepts such as diff
Programming, Verifying, and Synthesizing Adequately-Consistent Distributed Systems
Developing correct, efficient and available distributed systems is a major challenge. In practice, strong consistency often has to be sacrificed, which makes the task of programmers extremely hard. A central problem is to determine an adequate level of consistency for a given application: a level th
Safe, Adaptive, and Provable Protocols for Oblivious Robots Operation
«The ambition of Project SAPPORO is to lay the foundations of a formal framework and methodology aimed at mobile robot designers, to enable the certification of tentative robot protocols for any property related to their spatio-temporal behaviour that is useful in practise, or to demonstrate the imp
Mobility and contact traces from non-intrusive passive measurements
Research on mobile systems involves the analysis of spatiotemporal data. Big tech companies and telecom operators collect various measurements as they have direct access to user behaviors. Unfortunately, gathering mobile datasets is a struggling task for academic researchers for several reasons. Fir
DNS Naming and Services for Secure Seamless IoT
In this project, we aim at breaking the silos in IoT networks and making them seamlessly interoperable with the Internet by taking advantage of advanced DNS schemes and extensions. We will start with the design of an overall architecture for scalable IoT naming and resolution schemes. To address
ARTificial Intelligence-based Cloud network control
Communication networks are being impacted by three major trends: (i) the cloudification, cloud IP traffic will become in the next years the most part of Internet traffic; (ii) the consolidation of IP video as dominant application, thanks to the growth of live streaming and virtual-augmented reality;
Dynamic vectorization for heterogeneous multi-core processors with single instruction set
Most of today's computer systems have CPU cores and GPU cores on the same chip. Though both are general-purpose, CPUs and GPUs still have fundamentally different software stacks and programming models, starting from the instruction set architecture. Indeed, GPUs rely on static vectorization of paral
Symbolic Worst-Case Execution Time Evaluation with Global Contexts
Hard real-time safety critical systems are systems whose correctness depends not only upon the correctness of the produced results, but also on the time at which they are produced. These systems are represented as a set of concurrent tasks, subject to timing constraints. In order to guarantee the re