Save Our Shipwrecks
Thousands of wrecks dating back to the industrial revolution (19th century) and 20th century conflicts lie along the French coast and form, over time, real artificial reefs. In addition to their intrinsic heritage value, they have a strong economic appeal on the one hand for diving (historical relic
Southern natural heritage: a small-scale global history
Work on the history of science, heritage and environment attests to this problem with bringing the times and actors in heritage-related activities together into one single narrative. With regard to colonial times, historians have shed light on the role played by the members of a diaspora of sciences
The Manuscrit du Roi. Image, Text and Music
Produced during the second half of the 13th century, the Manuscrit du Roi (Paris BnF fr. 844) contains 602 musical compositions from multiple musical and linguistic traditions. The codex contains songs of the trouvères and troubadours, motets, instrumental works, and some religious pieces. Certain g
Language contact in Northern China – Historical and Typological perspectives
This project proposes to carry out a systematic and comprehensive study of contact-induced grammatical change during the history of Chinese, through investigating the abundance of available Chinese linguistic data. The Chinese language has undergone prolonged contact between languages of very differ
Insights from Bernard Bolzano
1. The first objective of the project is to elaborate a full account of grounding in the conceptual sciences, based on Bolzano’s insights. We will do this by extending and adapting Poggiolesi’s account of logical grounding to the wider notion of grounding in the a priori and conceptual sciences. A c
Aluminium, Architecture & Heritage, XX-XXIst centuries
The aim of ARCHIPAL Aluminium, Architecture & Heritage, 20th – 21st Century program is to identify the place of aluminium in the architecture history, to understand its heritage processes and to inventory its presence and its state of conservation in the French built heritage. It will contribute to
The Acts of the Persian Martyrs between East and West. Intercultural transmission and images at the beginning of the 5th century
Using multidisciplinary approaches, TRANSPERSE project seeks to reconstruct a history of the intercultural exchanges between Persia and the regions bordering it – the Caucasus, the Byzantine world – and as far as Egypt and the Latin West during the circumscribed period of the reigns of the Sasanians
Cultural policies, local heritage and collaborative approaches in Eastern Insulindia
The project focuses on two societies in Eastern Insulinde (Atauro, East Timor; and Tanjung Bunga, Flores, Indonesia), where different cultural policies are expressed, but which in both cases fail to reflect the heritage visions of the populations. The main objective is to analyse, through an interdi
Modelling Households : Economy and Sociology of Europe's first farmer populations
As part of the Household Archaeology research dynamics, the HOMES project aims to model the economic, anthropological and ideological organization of the first Neolithic agro-pastoral societies in continental Europe. Different theories have been put forward on the structuring of habitats and the soc
Hominin BipedalismS: Exploration of bipedal gaits in Hominins thanks to Specimen-Specific Functional Morphology
HoBiS is a multidisciplinary research project that aims to better understand one of the most striking characteristics of the human lineage, the habitual bipedality and the diversity of its past forms. It proposes 1) to implement an approach that integrates comparative and experimental biology, paleo
Geology and architecture in Delos
Delos is an exceptional site for studying how a city combined in its architectural equipment its geological resources and imported stones; how techniques were transmitted on the construction sites financed by foreign cities or kings; and how geologists and specialists in ancient architecture have in
Amateurs in Science (France, 1850-1950). A History from Below
This project aims at the collective writing of a history of amateurs in science connected with the present, echoing the questions that have emerged around participatory or citizen science and science in the digital age. This history takes into account the developments brought about by science studie
French episcopal acta of the Middle Ages: a multi-media edition and analysis
1. After gathering the episcopal acta, now widely dispersed, of 17 dioceses (about 8000 acta in total), the first objective is to offer a complete and multi-media critical edition, by diocesan collection. Each one will integrate the «e-Cartae« collection, «Actépi« sub-collection, of the Presses univ
Atmospheric CORRosion and mechAnical alteration of bronze BELLs: a sound and artistic heritage in danger ?
This project aims to understand and evaluate the consequences of the corrosion processes that, in its natural environment, the material undergoes, on the surface and inside the alloy itself. Under realistic atmospheric conditions, corresponding to urban and marine environments (dry/wet deposits in a
Cross dating by uranium-thorium, uranium protactinium and radiocarbon of secondary carbonate cave deposits: the search for validation criteria of samples and ages. Application to rock art
The ApART project responds to the challenges described in the 2018 ANR action plan «Innovative, integrative and adaptive societies« and its axis 5: «Cultures, creation, heritage«. The objective of the ApART project is twofold: to develop methodologies of study adapted to the conservation of heritage
Agronomic Discourse and Agricultural Practices : Growing Cereals and Legumes according to Columella's Work and the other Ancient Agronomical Treatises
This interdisciplinary collaboration project combines the study on ancient literature and the history of science, in order to get a better understanding of a crucial stage in the history of agriculture and agronomical discourses, by analysing the topic of growing cereals and legumes in Greek and Lat
Lévi-Strauss and his Nambikwara fieldnotes
Our project aims at deciphering, digitizing and critically editing Claude Lévi-Strauss's field notebooks from his second expedition to the Nambikwara (May 1938-January 1939), preserved at the National Library of France (BNF). The consortium involved in the project is made up of three complementary p
Ecclesiastical Organisation and Christian Topography of the Lower Danube during Late Antiquity (3rd-8th Centuries AD)
The main objective of the DANUBIUS project is to offer the first comprehensive historical and archaeological synthesis on the Christianisation of the Danubian world in more than a century. Since it would be impossible to study the whole Danube in the time allowed by a single JCJC project, it was dec
Translation as a strategic issue for the survival of post-vernacular Jewish languages
The present project aims at offering a systematic and comprehensive study of the translation of Jewish languages (Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic). Since those languages have lost, during the last decades, a great part of their speakers, their cultures are often dealt with through new practices
CODIKHUM : Studying inks in the books of the early modern period
The CodikHum project aims the development of new instruments for the study of ancient inks used on Renaissance documents, manuscripts or early printed books. 132/5000We wish to have specific tools for the study of the diffusion and reception of ancient works in the Renaissance. We also want to use t
The geo-localization of a digital archive: the Gaignières Collection
ANG-G: The geo-localization of a digital archive: the Gaignières Collection The main objective of the ANG-G project is to create an interface that will allow the exploratory cartography of one of the richest documentary collections ever assembled concerning the medieval and modern history of fami
Comédie-Française Registers 2
The RCF project (CFR in English, is dedicated to affording prominence to the exceptional documents stored at the Comédie-Française archives: accounts of box office takings, expenditures and audience numbers; fees paid to staff. The first phase of the project (RCF1) consisted in digi
Charters in Rolls : The Role of ‘Roll-Cartularies’ in Monastic Networks (France, 11th-15th centuries)
Cartularies have drawn the attention of medievalists and are recognized as a privileged means of approaching the institutional history of ecclesiastical structures. However, among these collections, those that are transcribed on rolls are still insufficiently documented and very little studied. Why,
David Qimhi’s Sefer ha-Shorashim: Jews and Christians reading the Hebrew Bible during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
In the sixteenth century, Christian humanists, who desired to learn Hebrew and to understand the Masoretic text of the Bible, mainly relied on David Qim?i’s work, Sefer ha-Shorashim or Book of Roots (Narbonne, 1210). This dictionary, which presents, in alphabetical order, the roots allowing to group
The Sublime and Aesthetic Experiences
SublimAE (“Sublime and Aesthetic Experiences”) is an interdisciplinary research project, involving philosophers, psychologists, social scientists and artists, and aiming at the development of a new cognitive account of experiences of the sublime and its close emotional relative, namely awe. The proj
The Exploitation of Cetaceans in the Paleolithic of Atlantic Europe
The PaleoCet project will analyze the exploitation of whales by Paleolithic foragers in Europe by focusing on a key case: the northern Atlantic shore around the Gulf of Biscay during the Magdalenian, ca. 19-14 cal ka BP. This archeological context yielded the richest and most diverse evidence of sea
Mapping Ancient Arabia for enhancing knowledge and shifting paradigms
For the past 50 years, the research on Ancient Arabia has been extremely dynamic and a considerable amount of data was made available. However, tools for their analysis are still lacking and syntheses have to be written. This observation is the prime mover behind the MAPARABIA project. The objectiv
Jean-Pierre Beauviala and the Aaton Company – audiovisual technics and their uses, historical, esthetic and practical modalities
When cinema entered the third millennium, it was accompanied by the so-called digital revolution; a phenomenon that supposedly led to the replacement of one technical paradigm by another as traditional celluloid film gave way to digital cinema. In reality, this is an ongoing process that did not rad