The Aqueous Rechargeable proton-ion insertion Battery: a new concept of eco-sustainable energy storage
In this project, we propose to investigate the replacement of alkali-metal ion carriers (Li+, Na+, …) commonly used in aqueous rechargeable cation-ion insertion batteries by the proton-ion, with the main ambition to demonstrate a new concept of aqueous rechargeable battery that is eco-sustainable, l
Combination of Vertical and Horizontal GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion Electronics
In a world where electrical energy plays a more and more important role in the energy mix in reason of the worldwide increasing use of renewable energies, the market of Power Electronic Conversion Systems (PECS) is constantly growing in size and in complexity to address the need and challenges of el
Water capture in stable composite materials for heat storage: Application to vehicle cabins heating
The objectives of STOCK-CAR fit into the current requirements for environment-friendly and energy-saving processes. The project targets the development and experimental evaluation of innovative thermochemical heat storage (TCHS) materials for heating (during off periods) the cabin of a truck. The TC
REVERSIBLE H2 storage via BCN
Molecular hydrogen is an energy vector that will play a major role in the years to come. Although available in the natural state, the global demand for energy forces us to develop an economy of production, storage, distribution and use. In other words, hydrogen must be produced (by electrolysis for
Photo-induced processes in multi-component surface-supported metal-organic frameworks
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are porous crystalline materials resulting from an ordered assembly of inorganic subunits and organic ligands. Extensively developed in fields such as storage, gas separation, or catalysis, the high diversity (composition, topology, porosity) of these hybrid structure
Functionalized Auto-Structured insulating composite materials Tailored by ElectRic field for stress grading in 3D integrated electronic modules
The FASTER-3D project proposes a breakthrough approach to address the reliability issues of standard encapsulation gel materials in 3D electronic modules by replacing all of them by tailored functionalized polymer-based composites with advanced dielectric and thermal conductive properties. It is exp
Advanced magnetocaloric materials for adiabatic refrigeration
The existing ADR technologies utilize commercially available paramagnetic salts that are efficient at low temperatures 0.1-0.2K. To develop magnetic refrigeration into a competitive cooling technique for a wide temperature range 0.1-4K we performed detailed experimental and theoretical investigation
High Voltage Photo-Switches
A bipolar transistor (BJT) in silicon carbide potentially makes it possible to considerably reduce losses in medium MVDC and high-voltage HVDC applications compared to industrial solutions currently based mainly on 3.3 kV or even 6.5 kV silicon IGBT modules. This solution also allows the modulation
W, H and He fundamental Studies in a Complete and Integrated approach
The WHeSCI project concerns the study of the interaction of the fuel (hydrogen isotopes) and the ash of the fusion reaction (helium) with the reactor walls. It has 4 main objectives. The first objective is to better understand the importance of the presence of surface impurities and the existence of
Enhancing POlymer Crystallinity in MixEd Matrix Membranes by Incorporating Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets for an Efficient CO2 Capture
The urgent demand for natural gas sweetening and flue-gas purification has prompted the development of different technologies for efficient CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 separations, including adsorption, absorption, cryogenic distillation and membranes. Currently, amine-based absorption process using chemical
Interfaces management of HYbrid PERovskite based SOlar cells
1. Extend the open circuit voltage (Voc) at the thermodynamic limit for a single junction. Thanks to an efficient interfacial doping, we expect to pin the quasi Fermi levels at Ec and Ev. 2. Construction of a physical model allowing a fine description of the physics of hybrid perovskites solar cel
Nanowire based electrodes engineering for photocatalysis
The main objective of BEEP is to fabricate and investigate the full applicability of semiconducting NWs as photoelectrode for water splitting, from growth, characterization and device fabrication to operation. We expect to obtain record PEC water splitting efficiencies for NW-based photoelectrodes.
isolated micro-grid for smart cogeneration of electricity/cold
Thermochemical processes are based on reversible chemical reactions between a solid and a gas. They allow the storage of energy in the form of chemical potential for a delayed cold production. They are particularly relevant for cold storage/production, due to their operational flexibility and their
Designing n-type Zintl phases for thermoelectric power generation applications
The thermoelectric properties of a material are characterized by the dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit ZT defined as the ratio of the thermopower (also known as the Seebeck coefficient) squared times the absolute temperature divided by the product of the electrical resistivity by the tota
Three terminal tandem HEterojunction on interdigitated back contacts SIlicon Solar cell
This new 3-terminal solar cell technology eliminates the constraint of photocurrent matching for the two cells making up the 2-terminal tandem cell, without the need for a tunnel junction. It also facilitates access to the different contacts of the upper and lower cells without the need for etching
Dynamic characterization and modeling of coupled structural - chemical - and transport pro-cesses: a multiscale approach
The long-term effectiveness of deep subsurface storage systems largely relies on our understanding and modeling capability of key relationships between natural media and engineered components. Changes in the mineral matrix due to dissolution-precipitation reactions due to perturbations caused by geo
underground STOrage of reneWable ENergies in low permeability Geomaterials
Subsurface energy technologies will play a central role in the smooth transition towards a lower-carbon future. Storage of energy into underground reservoirs is one of the current solutions to solve energy production and consumption irregularities. The project investigates the effects of the long-te
The objective of this project is to develop a new strategy for the treatment of radioactive effluents based on the use of a porous functionalized support. This support would allow at the same time the separation of the RadioNuclide (RN) using a selective organic function, and their encapsulation aft
Accounting for soot particle morphology in flame thermal radiation and optical diagnostics in complex systems
The main objectives of ASTORIA are to (i) propose an alternative to classical sectional approaches or methods of moments for soot production computations that allow to compute the evolution of the particulate matter (or soot) population and properties, including morphology and a detailed gaseous che
Low Cost Thermoelectric Heusler Alloys
Thermoelectric materials make it possible to directly convert a heat flow into electric current and vice versa. They allow the development of all-solid, compact, and reliable refrigeration or thermoelectric generation applications. Bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) is currently the reference material for 3
Energy Transition in China: New Political and Economical Directions
In order to address environmental degradation and reduce its energy dependence, China has started an energy transition (ET) process, which is based on both improving energy efficiency and developing renewable and decarbonated energy. The TEChNOPE project aims to characterize this ET process on t
Screening of ternary intermetallic compounds for thermoelectric applications
The current economic and environmental context tends to favour the development of alternative energies. From this perspective, thermoelectric devices exhibit several advantages as they are reliable or compact. However, their small conversion efficiency as well as their cost, restrict them to niche
Waste enery as a local resource : towards optimized heat recovery
The project consists in a comparative study of waste heat recovery operations in three main fields: industry (refinery, chemicals, data centres), urban services (waste management, sewage) and energy (nuclear power). Starting point is the observation that the reasons for low waste heat recovery rates
Microfluidic devices for the sequential reduction of CO2.
The objectives of this project are the following: i) development of microreactors to perform electrocatalytic reactions under microfluidic conditions. ii)The synthesis of formaldehyde par sequential reduction of carbon dioxyde into carbon monoxide and the subsequent conversion of carbon monoxide i
The Design of Auctions and Contracts for Renewable Energies: a RISK-sharing perspective
The aim of the project is to provide some quantitative insights on the pros and cons of the existing rules to subsidy wind and solar energies and in proposing innovative directions in the way to modify them. The central characteristic of the auction and contract design is the payment rule that speci
Revisiting Deflagration-Detonation Transition in the context of carbon-free energy production
The objective of the present project is to set up theoretical models by asymptotic analyses, representing accurately the dynamics of detonations in hydrogen-air mixtures. Physical phenomena pertaining to the inner structure of the waves will be included in the analysis, which is usually not the ca
Multi-scale Multi-phase Phenomena in Complex Fluids for Energy Industries
The MUSCOFI project aims at interpreting the macroscopic properties and predict the macroscopic behavior by using experimental and modeling tools to elucidate the molecular-scale phenomena that govern the formation, the interactions and the stability of interfacial structures and networks in multiph
More stable and less lead for perovskite solar cells
The quest for advanced photovoltaic (PV) materials efficiently converting solar energy has considerably grown up since a few decades. While the technology of silicium (Si) solar cells can be considered as efficient and mature, alternative solution concepts are desirable to overcome its limitations.
Molecular Characterization of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Membranes for Gas Separation under Harsh Conditions
Gas separation by dense polymer membranes is a very promising alternative to the cryogenic distillation or adsorption separation processes due to its much lower energy costs. This is critical for chemical industries, where the separation of mixtures accounts for over 50% of the energy costs. In addi
Microscale spatiotemporal investigation of multi-species electroactive biofilms using optical microfluidic platform
The MICROBE research project is a fundamental scientific project in which we plan to clarify at the microscopic level a whole host of grey areas concerning the fundamental processes and mechanisms responsible for the formation and evolution of electroactive biofilms on the surface of electrodes. Key
Magnesium batteries with Innovative electrolyte and efficient Organic or Sulfur Cathodes
The objective of the MAIOSC project is to respond to the two main drawbacks of using metallic Mg as negative electrode, namely the design of an electrolyte with suitable properties and of an organic or sulfur positive electrodes allowing the reversible insertion/desinsertion of Mg2 +. It is importa
BIsmuth BasEd LOw Temperature Sofc
Hydrogen is rising as one of the possible ways to deliver energy with a low carbon dioxide footprint. Fuel cells, devices converting the chemical energy of H2 in electrical energy appears as an important part of the grid of tomorrow. In particular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) benefit from a high he
REcycling Li/Li ion batteries: a new concept bAsed on soluBility et (electro)chemical vaLorization of materials in moltEn salts
Due to the fast spread of portable electronic devices with limited life time, numerous countries are overwhelmed with cumbersome battery wastes. To mitigate supply risk and environmental impacts, recycling has become compulsory , as illustrated by recent European laws enforcing recycling of lithium-
Active glazing through plasmonic oxide nanoparticles combined with liquid crystals
The Plasmoglaz project focuses on composite materials made of plasmonic oxide nanoparticles and liquid crystals. Unlike metallic nanoparticles, with extinction properties limited mostly to the visible domain, plasmonic oxide nanoparticles present adjustable absorption properties from the visible to
Thermoelectric antimonides for high temperature applications
Main issues and general objectives are to demonstrate that rare earth antimonides have high thermoelectric figure of merit at high temperature and that they are stable enough at these temperatures (1000°C and higher) so that they could be use for making p-type thermoelectric legs that could be coupl
DEvelopment of Organic batteries with Solid-State electrolytes
The basic research project, DEOSS, aims at developing the use of Solid-State Electrolytes together with Electroactive Organic Materials (EOMs) as electrodes in organic batteries. The DEOSS project is therefore at the crossroads of different issues, namely: i) research for efficient, safe, eco-comp
Measurement of CO/CO2 recombination rates for use in CO2 conversion applications
Plasma reprocessing of CO2 can be used to convert CO2 to CO, which may then be used to create a fuel known as syngas. This process has the potential to close the carbon loop if it can be done in an energy efficient manner. Doing this requires a detailed understanding of CO2 chemical kinetics: in par
Hybrid storage and heat exchanger device with PCM
The intermittence of renewable energies generally requires the establishment of storage facilities because the resource is rarely in tune with the needs. For thermal solar applications applied to buildings, storage solutions with a small footprint, simple to implement and at a reasonable cost will c
Cyanobacterial Oxygen-tolerant Hydrogenases: functional characterization and engineering
Hydrogenases (H2ases) catalyze the reversible conversion of molecular hydrogen to protons and electrons. They have attracted considerable interest since H2 is considered as an environmentally friendly energy carrier. Coupling H2 bio-production to photosynthesis has emerged as a promising approach an
Multi-Stabilized Hybrid Membranes for Fuel Cell and Electrolyser
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are weather dependent andintermittent by nature. The hydrogen technology offers thanks to the proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer (PEMWE) a chemical storage solution for the intermittent renewable electric energy produced, this chemical energy bei
Designed Electrodes for implementing High Temperature Water Vapor Electrolysers
The PRCE ECOREVE project deals with high-temperature steam electrolysis. The goal is to optimize the microstructure and architecture of the electrodes for improving the electrochemical performances and the durability of the electrolyzers, which remains a major technological issue. Two partners from
INNOvation of clathrates HYDrates for carbon capture and energy gas storage
As part of a group specialised on the development on clathrate hydrates based technology, we, Mines Saint-Etienne, want to develop fundamental knowledge about non equilibrium thermodynamics. The principal objectives of our INNOHYD project are to: • Furnish valuable data of mixed clathrate hydrate
Impact of Biofuels on the Aging of Conventional Fuels
The growing pressure on energy produced from the combustion of liquid fossil fuels and its adverse effects on the biosphere has intensified research efforts in biomass conversion into liquid fuels. Expectations are high for second-generation biofuels, produced from non-edible biomass, that would ide
SusTainable mEtaL fueLs for future trAnspoRtation
The STELLAR (SusTainable mEtaL fueLs for future trAnspoRtation) project intends to demonstrate the viability of new energetic carriers. Based on both energy and transportation sector requirements – such as autonomy related to weight or volume, easy refill, cost, distribution and storage – metal powd
High-Performance Thermo-Magnetic Micro-Harvester
The goal of this project is to demonstrate thermo-magnetic power generation (TMG) using giant magneto-caloric materials (MCM) as working substance to convert low grade waste heat into electricity. We shall show that MCM based TMG can become a leading technology for a new generation of efficient high