Electronically Steerable KA-band Low-profile Antenna Design
The increasing needs for high speed data and mobility led to the fast development of satellite communications on-the-move, especially airborne communications. The growing interest in high data rate satellite communications and the technological progress led to an increasing effort in the developme
Software-based quantum program and resource optimisation
Quantum computers can theoretically solve problems out of reach of classical computers. We aim at easing the crucial back and forth interactions between the theoretical approach to quantum computing and the technological efforts made to implement the quantum computer. Our software-based quantum prog
Static analysis of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms
Fault-tolerant distributed data structures are at the core distributed systems. Due to the multiple sources of non-determinism, their development is challenging. The project aims to increase the confidence we have in distributed implementations of data structures. We think that the difficulty doe
Advanced Multi-Dimensional Signaling and M-ary Coding for Optical Fiber Networks
Optical fiber constitutes the backbone of the modern information networks. Long range communications are based on coherent detection and spectrally efficient digital signal processing. Future optical communications are expected to involved radically new optical links to support short range data cent
Optimal Routing and Spectrum Assignment in Realistic Flexgrid Elastic Optical Networks
A WDM flexible grid for Spectrally Flexible Optical Networks (SFONs) was standardized in 2012. FLEXOPTIM aims to develop efficient Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) algorithms able to optimize in a tractable way the WDM optical spectrum use in SFONs, with arbitrary topologies and large sizes; e.
Data-Aware Scheduling at Higher scale
While computing power of supercomputers keeps on increasing at an exponential rate, their capacity to manage data movement experiences some limits. It is expected that this imbalance will be one of the key limitation to the development of future HPC applications. We propose to rethink how I/O is man
A Correct-by-construction methodology for supporting execution time variability in real-time systems
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the design and development of the next generation of safety critical embedded real-time systems. In particular, we aim at solving the problem of the large variability of execution times by using sound and provably correct programming models t
Formal and Exhaustive Analyses of Numerical Intensive Control Software for Embedded Systems
As computer power and memory continue to be commoditized, the pressure towards developing more complex, embedded, safety-critical software keeps growing. However, the resulting exponential growth of software verification and validation (V&V) and its certification are significant obstacles; It is
Formal proofs for real-time systems
Real-time systems are systems that must satisfy timing requirements such as response-time bounds, that is, bounds on the maximum time a software task takes to complete its execution once it has been activated. These systems are everywhere in our lives, ranging from cars to airplanes to mobile ph
Certification of IoT Secure Compilation
Since about a decade ago, researchers have been working on the design of multitier languages for the web. A multitier programming language unifies within a single formalism and a single execution environment the programming of the different tiers of distributed applications. On the web, this
Back to single caRrier for beyond-5G communications AboVE 90GHz
The BRAVE project proposes to investigate innovative technologies allowing for an efficient radio-communication usage of the 90GHz-200GHz spectrum. It will contribute to the emergence of ultra-high throughput and capacity brought by beyond-5G (B5G) wireless communication systems. The wideband Single
Varying Variability
Most modern software systems (operating systems like Linux, Web browsers like Firefox or Chrome, video encoders like x264 or ffmpeg, servers, mobile applications, etc.) are subject to variation or come in many variants. Hundreds of configuration options, features, or plugins can be combined, each po
PRIvacy preserving Multi-compartiment Trusted Execution
Nowadays, a wide variety of online services (e.g., web search engines, location-based services, recommender systems) are being used by billions of users on a daily basis. Key to the success of these services is the personalisation of their results, that is returning to each user those results that a
Spectral efficient Receivers and Resource Allocation for satellite cognitive systems
The project aims at enhancing the satellite systems in order to meet the envisaged increase in the traffic demand. Towards this, high spectrum reuse is required which leads to the main following issue: the spectral resource has to be exploited more intensively through the paradigm of the cognitive r
Correct Integration of Discrete and Continuous Models
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) connect the real world to software systems through a network of sensors and actuators: physical and logical (computational) components interact in complex ways, depending on context, and involving different spatial and temporal scales. There is a diverse range of applic
How Wake-up radio solutions will bring new paradigms for heterogeneous IoT networks
While low power communication has evolved towards multi-kilometer ranges and low bit-rate schemes in recent years, triggering increasing interests, a trade-off must still be made between power consumption and latency. Using pure-asynchronous communication allowed by emerging Ultra-Low-Power (ULP) wa
CiTADEL: A Cross-technology framework for addressing the wireless data explosion challenge
The smartphone has revolutionized how people connect to the Internet and consume content. Multiple studies, most notably Cisco’s Visual Networking Index, have shown an exponential increase in mobile data, driven largely by smartphone users. At the same time, cellular capacity has also increased but
5C-for-5G: Coordinated Caching, reCommendation, and Communication of Content for 5G Cellular Networks
Caching popular content at the edge of 5G networks is needed to keep up with the data tsunami. However, research in the domain has been largely fragmented, focusing only on the access part (e.g. coded caching) or backhaul/core (e.g. femto-caching), and using conflicting assumptions and metrics. What