From traditional uses to an integrated valorisation of sediments in the Usumacinta river basin
This project will address the complexity of the Usumacinta river basin via its sediments. The latter are both a component in the river environment and a natural resource for the human populations, and as such, they are useful in understanding the status of an ecosystem and changes in social habits.
PICS: Towards integrated now-casting of flash floods impacts
The direct damages caused by flash-floods in France regularly reach several hundreds millions of euros per event (Var in 2010, Hérault-Gard in 2014, Alpes-Maritimes in 2015, Aude in 2018). Flash-floods also cause a large part of flood-related fatalities. To cope with these phenomena which may increa
Valuation of extra-long investments
Are we collectively too selfish, acting insufficiently for the well-being of future generations, or are we, on the contrary, too virtuous and too long-termist? These questions form the core of this research project, whose applications encompass the fight of climate change, socially responsible inves
Integrating Deep Uncertainty in Climate Change Modelling
INDUCED proposes to address three challenges: (i) reviewing theoretically the properties of the alternative models that have been proposed to deal with deep uncertainty, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and their applicability in the specific context of climate change; (ii) studying (usin
large earthquakes and tsunamis in the Lesser Antilles arc: impact on coastal and deep offshore sedimentation, reef growth and human settlement
Megathrust earthquakes can induce metric-scale sudden subsidence or uplift, and destabilize shelf sediments, instigating turbiditic flows and landslides. They can also generate tsunamis that can transport huge quantities of marine and coastal sediments and debris inland. Such dramatic events can cau
Articulating policy mixes across scales & sectors to address adaptation challenges in vulnerable tropical agricultural landscapes
During the last 2 decades, a growing literature has underlined potential effects of Climate Change (CC) on economic development, environment and wellbeing of population especially in tropical rural areas. While contributing to CC, agriculture is also strongly affected by CC and climate variability.
A network approach for quantifying the impact of change
The purpose of the NetCost project is to develop a conceptual framework which aims at quantifying, quantitatively and qualitatively, the cost of changes occurring in a complex system by measuring their impact at different scales, with a particular focus on how these changes will affect the individua
The challenges of the Guianas plateau's Governance
Sparsely populated areas are an important stake in today’s world. They hold most of the available natural resources, deliver fundamental environmental services but also are more and more viewed as having an intrinsic value. Those areas are the object of an external governance since urban societies t
Deltas undEr gLobal impacT of chAnge
DELTA Project Description Project Background Deltas are dynamic systems driven by constantly changing interactions between land-based fluvial and ocean processes. These flat agricultural lands, accounting for less than 1% of Earth’s land, are vital for the food security of more than half a bill
A millennium of interaction between societies and environments in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions (Canada and Greenland).
The InterArctic project focuses on vulnerability, resilience and adaptation of northern societies facing global change. The rapid current warming of Arctic and Subarctic climates has already produced many changes in the social, economic and cultural behavior of the populations inhabiting these regio
EXperimental Assessment and Modelling of ground motion spatial variability for performance based seismic risk assessment of industrial plants and INfrastructures
The integrity of critical facilities and networks during an earthquake is a vital element for the sustainable development of societies and environments. The spatial variation of seismic ground motions at local and regional scale is generally not accounted for in risk and loss assessment. Though, it
ALBorAn sea subMARine landslides (ALBAMAR): link between tectonic activity, seismicity and sedimentation and their impact in hazard assessment
The Alboran Sea is one of the most geologically active areas in the Mediterranean where submarine landslides with a tsunamigenic potential are present. The links between landslides, seismicity and tectonic movements are not obvious: the distribution of epicentres does not reflect the distribution of