Our society is in constant interaction with image content. Market data indicates that the number of acquisition mobile devices is going to considerably increase and in particular, a spectacular growth in users for the years to come is expected. Due to this trend, new needs and services for companies
In this project, we will investigate a new smart system made from a hardware component and a software approach that will enable the creation of programmable matter. The hardware component is a mass-producible, sub-mm, MEMS, namely a micro-robot using computationally controlled actuators used for pow
Social media and other forms of online communication have triggered the emergence of new forms of written texts and increased the volume of multilingual user-generated content (UGC). Making these unlimited streams of non-canonical texts automatically understandable and actionable opens new sci
Multifractal theory and methods for large size multivariate systems - Applications to scale free analysis of brain dynamics analysis
The scale-free concept formalizes the intuition that, in many systems, the analysis of temporal dynamics cannot be grounded on specific and characteristic time scales. The scale-free paradigm has permitted the relevant analysis of numerous applications, very different in nature, ranging from natur
The MultiFlag project focuses on the design and the control of new bio-inspired microrobotic systems for future applications in the field of bioengineering. Three scientific objectives are targeted by the project: the design of multiple magnetic flagella micro-robots with optimized propulsion prope
Significant cell-to-cell heterogeneity is ubiquitously-observed in isogenic cell populations. Cells respond differently to a same stimulation. For example, accounting for such heterogeneity is essential to quantitatively understand why some bacteria survive antibiotic treatments, some cancer cells e
JointAction4HRI project objectives are: 1) Identifying the elements (and their interaction) that allow the establishment and maintenance of mutual understanding between a human and a robot in a collaborative task. 2) Modeling the notion of commitment that structures the relationship between two ag
ICycle is an interdisciplinary, fundamental research project, in an exciting new field merging control theory, systems biology and synthetic biology. Its overall goal is to understand the communication pathways between two primary cellular modules, the cell division cycle and the circadian clock gen
The FOLD-Dyn project proposes the study of new theoretical approaches for the effective generation of virtual characters deformations, when they are animated. These deformations are two-folds: character skin deformations (skinning) and garment simulations. When producing an animation movie, either f
Given the complexity of the internal structure of the foot, little is known about the precise movement of its skeleton and its relationship with the shoe. The current shoe design process therefore relies heavily on human expertise and formal models are lacking. This project aims to better understand
The MultiSem project will propose novel advanced models for multilingual semantic processing. Existing data-driven models employ robust machine learning techniques for handling vast amounts of textual data but overlook the intricacies of the mechanisms involved in language processing which should be
i-Gait aims at developing a new human-robot interaction approach based on the sense of touch, which is expected to help improve fall prevention in the near future. Falls are a major health, societal, and economic problem associated with multiple traumas and high morbidity. They result in 6000 fatali
Within the last two decades, Natural Language Processing has made dramatic advances due primarily to the intensive use of supervised Machine Learning methods like structured output prediction. But NLP is now beset with a new set of challenges that arise from the constant evolution of the Web and the
Deep Learning in Multi-view and Multi-modal Surgical Videos for Improved Operating Room Management
The operating room (OR) is one of the busiest and most information-dense units in the hospital. In this environment, the presence of digital medical equipment and cameras permits the collection of vast volumes of data concerning surgical activities that can be exploited to improve surgical workflows
In recent years, the study of collective behavior of a crowd of autonomous agents has drawn a great interest from scientific communities, e.g. in civil engineering (for emergency egress and traffic problems), robotics (coordination of robots), computer science and sociology (social networks), and bi
Along with the democratization of increasingly high-performance digital and communication technologies, higher education and training for adults are constantly challenged by both the renewal and the adaptation of teaching practices. While the frontiers between guided learning and self-learning are b
The industrial research project VOCADOM aims to define, in conjunction with end users, the features of a distant voice controlled home automation system that will adapt to the user and that can be used in real conditions (noise, presence of several people). To solve the challenges related to distant
The MIMOSA project lies at the frontier between signal processing and operations research. It aims to propose new optimization strategies, based on mixed integer programming methods, in order to solve exactly some L0-norm-based sparse approximation problems encountered in various signal processing a
Greatly raising the bar from previous generation upgrades, fifth-generation (5G) mobile systems are promising fiber-like connectivity and a “faster-than-thought” Internet experience to a diverse ecosystem of users and devices with highly variable attributes and demands. As a result, the successful d
Locomotion in complex environment
The objective of Loco3D is to build a methodology to execute a contact sequence, computed with an efficient motion planner, with a powerful humanoid robot inside a complex environment subject to dynamic changes. Planning and adapting complex locomotion patterns is a key problem that prevents from re
IOTA project aims to establish a novel scientific instrument for biomedical applications, which will extend an operator's physical interaction abilities into a Petri dish, directly in contact with living cells and similar samples. The system combines laser manipulation techniques and a tactile forc
Producing massive 3D models representing large scale virtual worlds with a high level of details is a major challenge in computer graphics. In industry as well, there is a strong demand for providing efficient algorithms to reduce manual authoring tasks. Procedural modeling and texturing (PMT) is kn
Computing photorealistic images relies on the simulation of light transfer in a 3D scene, typically modeled using geometric primitives and a collection of reflectance properties that represent the way objects interact with light. Estimating the color of a pixel consists in integrating contributions
The birds neck, an arm for the robots
The aim of functional morphology is to investigate and understand the relationships between shape, function, and physiology of the musculo-skeletal system and its mechanical properties. The mechanical properties of natural systems selected and ‘optimised’ through natural selection can inspire engine
The CONTREDO project (Intervals et contractors for dynamic systems) aims at designing a software tool based on intervals to handle dynamic systems. Intervals take naturally into account rounding errors in the computations and bounded uncertainties of the parameters. Intervals thus make it possib
- Define the design space of gesture-based interaction - Elaborate a model of gesture-based interaction - Build an optimisation method for gesture-based interaction Technical results - A gestural vocabulary on an interactive watch published at the national HMI'17 conference. - A smartphone-based