Past calls for proposals
Alzheimer’s diseases and related diseases (MALZ)
The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) launches the second edition of the national programme on “Alzheimer’s Diseases and related diseases”. The aims of the call for proposals ar
Sustainable Buildings and Cities
Most of the people of the world live in cities, and one of the overwhelming challenges facing us in the 21 st century will be to deal with the continuous growth of urban population in ways which ar
Sustainable Food Systems (ALID)
The ALID programme (Sustainable Food Systems) aims to build sustainable systems for production, processing, distribution and consumption of food products, taking into account consumer demand, competit
Sustainable Land Transport
The Sustainable Land Transport (SLT) programme is an evolution of the former Land Transport vehicle (LTV) programme. The SLT programme is dedicated to research on elementary knowledge for advanced
Contaminants and Environments: Metrology, Health, Adaptability & usages (CESA)
The call for proposals "Contaminants and environments" contributes to the production of scientific knowledge through basic and applied investigations on the characterization and behaviour of physic
Appel à projets de recherche trans-nationaux et trans-régionaux sous l’égide de l’ERA-NET Net-Biome Towards Biodiversity Management in support of Sustainable Development in Tropical and Subtropi
Digital Engineering and Security (INS)
The objectives of the INS research programme are the emergence of new paradigms, techniques, methods and tools to design digital hardware and software systems. It covers all aspects of engineering acc
Digital Models (MN)
The MN programme is dedicated to research in modeling, simulation and optimization leading to the creation of virtual digital worlds. These digital worlds are at the core of advanced scientific resear
ERA-Net BiodivERsA
Consultez la liste des projets sélectionnés Attention, la liste des projets définitivement financés par l’ANR sera rendue publique au terme des instructions administrative et financi
Appel à Projets Transnational dans le cadre de l'ERA-Net EuroNanoMed
L'ANR s'associe à l'ERA-Net EuroNanoMed pour lancer un deuxième appel à projets (AAP) transnational dans le domaine de la nanomédecine. Cet appel à projets (AAP) associe quinze pays : l'Allem