Past calls for proposals
Chairs of excellence in Biology and Health - 2023
The French Health Innovation Plan 2030 aims to return France to its position as leader in Biology and Health innovation. To reach the best international level, France must extend its commitment to the whole value chain, from basic Life Science research to translational and clinical health research, and support innovation. It must provide enough resources to attract or maintain nationally the world’s top researchers in their field. These researchers, who are leaders in Biology and Health research, will strive to make France a leader among countries capable of producing scientific knowledge, of generating innovation and encouraging Biotech and Medtech development to improve public health, attract international investments, and major health industrials.
Climate & Cultural Heritage (CCH) 2023
The French National Research Agency (ANR) participates in a “Collaborative Research Action” (CRA) launched in 2023 by the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH) and Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate), and the Belmont Forum. This funding opportunity focuses on research challenges at the interface of cultural heritage and climate change.
Call for proposals : Science avec et pour la société – Recherches participatives 2
The French National Research Agency, wishing to contribute to the development and structuring of participatory research in France, is launching the call “Science avec et pour la société – Recherches participatives 2” with the objective of supporting the maturation of emerging projects over a period of 12 to 18 months with a maximum funding of 100 k€ per project.
6th Joint Transnational Call of the FLAG-ERA ERA-NET
The FLAG-ERA ERA-NET (Flagship ERA-NET) brings together most of the European regional and national funding agencies and aims to contribute to the two European initiatives Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project - EBRAINS, notably by launching dedicated transnational calls for projects.
Research on open science practices and issues (AMI-SO)
The call for expressions of interest « Research on open science practices and issues » invites researchers to initiate a reflective and critical approach to observe and study their research practices in the context of open science. This AMI, which prepares for a future call for proposals, is open to all scientific communities.
PEPR DIADEM – Appel à projets "Dispositifs Intégrés pour l’Accélération du DEploiement de Matériaux Emergents"
Afin de promouvoir le développement économique du pays, en soutenant notamment l’accélération de la conception et de l’arrivée sur le marché de matériaux plus performants, durables et issus de matières premières non critiques et non toxiques, l’Etat lance le PEPR Exploratoire DIADEM. Au moyen de la synergie de thématiques scientifiques orchestrées par l’intelligence artificielle, l’objectif du PEPR DIADEM est d’impacter chaque étape de la chaîne de l’innovation « de l’idée à l’objet » et de transformer ainsi durablement et en profondeur la manière d’aborder la Science des Matériaux.
Setting up European or International Scientific Networks - SRSEI 2023
In the framework of its 2023 Work Programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) proposes the SRSEI call with a continuous submission format throughout the year.
Scientific exploration of data from research infrastructures (ESDIR) - Edition 2023
The ESDIR 2023 call aims at helping the scientific valorization of remarkable data, observations and measurements that can only be realized within the framework of the research infrastructures and long-term programs labeled nationally or internationally. This 2023 edition is dedicated to the research campaigns conducted on two large infrastructures, French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) and Astronomy and astrophysics using ground-based observatories (A&A), whose data are already acquired (FOF and A&A) or in the process of guaranteed acquisition by the start of the projects (only A&A).
Impacts of helminth disease and climate change on livestock health, together with development of control strategies such as novel vaccine and diagnostic - ERA-NET ICRAD 2023
The overall objective of this research call is to increase understanding and preparedness for impending effects on animal health and the livestock industry caused by climate change and spread of anthelmintic resistance. This includes basic research to better understand mechanisms behind these topics or applied development of detection, management, intervention and prevention strategies.
Transnational call for proposals aiming to transform healthcare systems - THCS 2023
The French National Research Agency is joining the new transnational call for proposals launched within the framework of the Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) Partnership, focused on organizing and improving health systems to alleviate the pressure on healthcare facilities while offering patients a more tailored care pathway that fits their needs and preferences. This call will bring together 36 funding agencies from 23 countries and will have a global budget of more than 35 million euros.