Past calls for proposals
Call for proposals Science with and for Society - Innovative Ambitions - SAPS-RA-AI 2023
This specific, interdisciplinary and non-thematic call for projects, of the "Research-Action" type, is inspired by the Quebec programme AUDACE. It aims to support projects with an atypical and original character that explore new territories of knowledge by relying on new collaborations between different fields of research, in order to respond to new ambitions, questions and needs in close relation with society.
Climat, Environment and Health 2 - Belmont Forum 2023
The Belmont Forum, an international partnership of research funding agencies that ANR is part of, is launching a call aiming at improving understanding among the climate, environment, and health pathways to protect and promote ecological, planetary, and human health in the face of climate challenges. Multilateral, inter-, and transdisciplinary research projects will investigate issues that impede policy implementation; address complex climate, ecosystem, and health pathways to determine processes underlying causal links; capacity development and collaboration across relevant disciplines and institutions; and foster the use of international scientific databases with local knowledge to develop climate-related decision support tools to better inform planning, resilience, and adaptation to climate change.
Extension of conflict zones : Deep Seabed and Space – Call for expressions of interest
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in collaboration with the French Defence Innovation Agency (AID), is launching the call for expression of interest “Extension of conflict zones: Deep Seabed and Space”. Applicants are invited to submit proposals aiming at improving the knowledge, surveillance and protection of these complex environments.
Tremplin – ERC Consolidator Grant (T-ERC CoG) - 2023
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2023. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).
Challenge Mobilex – MOBILity in complEX environnements
In order to accelerate research and innovation on autonomous mobility of land vehicles in complex environments (damaged roads, presence of obstacles, etc.), the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) launch a co-funded call: the MOBILEX Challenge (MOBILity in Complicated Environments), in partnership with the French National Center for Space Studies (CNES) and the French Agency for Innovation in Transport (AIT).
First call of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership – The way forward: a thriving sustainable blue economy for a brighter future - SBEP
The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, a European partnership under the European Commission’s Research & Innovation Framework Programme Horizon Europe, is pleased to announce its first Joint transnational call entitled "The way forward: a thriving sustainable blue economy for a brighter future".
Call for proposals on Specific Topics in Artificial Intelligence (TSIA) 2023
Since its 2012 revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) has been introduced at the core of digital solutions and continues to evolve rapidly. These recent developments are notable, both at the core of AI and in its interactions with other research fields. Following the first national AI plan and in response to requests from the community.
PPR Océan et Climat : "Un océan de solutions – vague 2" - Appel à projets - 2023
L’appel à projets (AAP) « Un océan de solutions – vague 2 » vise à financer des projets de recherche interdisciplinaires, ambitieux et structurants se focalisant sur l’évaluation et l’anticipation des changements globaux d'origine anthropique impactant les océans (changement climatique, changements et nouveaux usages, pollutions, espèces invasives) et l’identification de solutions pour la protection de l’océan, la préservation des services écosystémiques et les usages durables et équitables des océans.
Call for proposals – Quantum Sensors - 2023
Within the national quantum strategy, started in 2021, the ANR launches a call for research proposals in quantum sensors and quantum metrology. The roadmap of the national quantum strategy includes a response to needs in the metrology domain, that correspond to developments in quantum technologies.
PEPR PREZODE – Appel à projets "Changements globaux, pratiques humaines et émergence de maladies zoonotiques"
Pour préparer la France à une nouvelle crise sanitaire majeure, le Gouvernement a lancé la stratégie d'accélération Maladies infectieuses émergentes (MIE) et menaces nucléaires, radiologiques, biologiques et chimiques (MN), inscrite dans le volet Santé Innovation 2030 du Plan d’Investissement France 2030. Cette stratégie doit permettre à l’Etat de comprendre, prévenir et contrôler les phénomènes d’émergence ou de réémergence de maladies infectieuses, pour en limiter les impacts, mais également de lutter contre les autres menaces MN.