Past calls for proposals
Blanc Programme
The aim of the ANR Blanc programme is to give significant impetus to ambitious scientific projects that are well positioned in international competition, have original objectives and break away fr
3rd call for proposals of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 3rd call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium ( European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in ICST ), bringing together 11 European countries: Austria, Belgium,
RURAGRI call 2012 for applications for transnational research linking agricultural, rural and sustainable development aspects
RURAGRI was set up within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (FP7-ERANET-2008-RTD, grant agreement number 235175) with the aim of improving coordination between on-going and future Euro
M-ERANET: From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe
M-ERANET is a European network of public funding organizations and funding programs which has been established to coordinate their efforts in supporting and developing a strong European RTD community
Transnational call for proposals on Animal Health and Welfare through the ERA-NET ANIHWA
The ANR is associated to the ERA-NET ANIHWA to launch a first transnational call for funding research on animal health and welfare of farm animals, including fish and bees. This programme is a continu
Call for French-US Projects in Computational Neuroscience
ANR, NSF (National Science Foundation) and NIH (National Institutes of Health) in the United States launch a call for French-US research projects in computational neuroscience. For this purpose,
PLANT-KBBE "PLant Alliance for Novel Technologies - towards implementing the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy in Europe"
6th Plant KBBE Call for proposals The 'Transnational PLant Alliance for Novel Technologies – towards implementing the Knowledge-Based Bio-Econ omy in Europe' (Plant-KBBE) is funded in partnership
Contaminants and Environments: Health, Adaptability, Behaviour & uses
The call for proposals "Contaminants and environments" contributes to the production of scientific knowledge through basic and applied research on the characterization and behaviour of physical, che
ERA-Net ICT-AGRI - Appel à Projets Transnational pour la recherche et le développement technologique sur les TIC et l’automatique au service de l’agriculture durable
L'ANR s'associe à l'era-net ICT-AGRI pour lancer un second appel à projets (AAP) transnational sur les TIC (Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) et l'automatique au service de l'agric
TRANSMED Etudes trandisciplinaires sur l'avenir de la Méditerranée
Les pays des différentes rives de la Méditerranée connaissent des transformations rapides révélant des enjeux nombreux et capitaux pour l'avenir des sociétés de cette région. La démographie de la rive