Past calls for proposals
Cybersecurity, the security of our information systems, is a fundamental concern in the global digitalization of our societies. Since innovation is at the heart of cybersecurity, research at the best international level is essential to keep control on the security of our information systems. In this context, France and Germany are developing very strong research teams often at the very best international level.
Announcement: Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC). The seventh call is open
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR for Work Programme 2019.
Structuration de la Formation par la Recherche dans les Initiatives d’excellence (SFRI) - Appel à projets - 2019
Appel à projets ouvert aux établissements porteurs d’une IdEx ou d’une ISITE
Call for projects "Trilateral call for proposals France – Germany - Japan on artificial intelligence (AI)”
The French National Research Agency (ANR, France), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG, Germany) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Japan), signed in April 2019 in Tokyo the agree
Sport de Très Haute Performance (STHP) - Appel à projets – Vague 1 – 2019
Dans le cadre des futurs Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 organisés à Paris, la France ambitionne de doubler le nombre de médailles remportées aux dernières olympiades. Pour relever ce défi, l
Cultiver et Protéger Autrement – Appel à projets
La France est le premier pays producteur de produits agricoles en Europe, le premier exportateur européen et le 4e exportateur mondial de produits agricoles et agroalimentaires. Mais la France est aus
Call for programmes: PhD contracts in Artificial Intelligence
At the end of the "AI for Humanity" day held in Paris on 29 March 2018, during which the President of the French Republic delivered a speech on artificial intelligence (AI), a national programme for A
French-German call for proposals on preparedness and rapid response to biological threats
At the 6th Forum for Franco-German Research Cooperation the two ministers signed a declaration of common intention on 19 June 2018. It includes four objectives, one of them being financing of research for the overall security of citizens.
Specific call for proposals on "Genocide and mass violence"
The French National Research Agency launches a specific call for proposals on "Genocide and mass violence". It follows the publication in February 2018 of the report on Fact-find mission in France o
Joint laboratories between research organizations and SMEs or intermediate-sized enterprises (Labcom)
The purpose of this program is to encourage research actors to create new structured partnerships through the creation of "Joint Laboratories" between a SME or an intermediate-sized enterprise and a r