Past calls for proposals
Call for transnational research projects on Nutrition and Cognitive Function in the context of the JPI HDHL
The ANR joins the Joint Programming Initiative "Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" (JPI HDHL) to launch a joint call for proposals to fund transnational research projects on Nutrition and Cognitive Func
International call for proposals in the context of the Belmont Forum and JPI-Climate: Climate predictability and Inter-Regional Linkage
This call for proposals jointly launched by the Belmont Forum and the Joint Programming Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe" (JPI Climate) aims to contribute to the overall challenge
Call for transnational research projects on Intestinal Microbiomics in the context of the JPI HDHL
The ANR joins the Joint Programming Initiative “Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” (JPI HDHL) to launch a first joint call for proposals to fund transnational research projects on intestinal microbiomic
Specific Support for Research Works and Innovation Defence: Maturation and Development (ASTRID-Maturation)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches in partnership with the French armaments procurement agency (DGA), the second edition of the ASTRID-Maturation programme "Specific support for resear
International call for proposals in the context of the Belmont Forum: Mountains as Sentinels of Change
Mountains exist in many regions of the world and are home to a significant fraction of the world population and to half of global biodiversity hotspots. Mountains make essential ecosystem services ava
Transnational call for proposals on Antimicrobial Resistance through the JPI AMR
The ANR joins the Joint Programming Initiative JPI AMR to launch a second transnational call for research projects on Antimicrobial Resistance. Nine countries are participating in this call for p
Hosting High-Level Researchers
This programme aims to promote the hosting of prominent junior or senior researchers from abroad, by offering them substantial funding to carry out an ambitious research project in various new domains
Transnational joint call for proposals on Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing through the ERA-NET COFASP
This call intends to increase the knowledge about resource optimisation, mapping and reduction of ecological footprint of aquaculture, fisheries and seafood processing to improve their environmental s
Transnational call for proposals on Systems Medicine through the ERA-NET ERACoSysMed
The ANR joins the ERA-NET ERACoSysMed to launch a first transnational call for research projects on Systems Medicine. This brand new initiative aims to promote transnational research to demonstrate th
Joint Transnational Call (JTC 2015) for European Research Projects on Neurodevelopmental Disorders under the ERA-NET NEURON II
The ANR joins the ERA-NET NEURON II to launch a eighth call for research proposals to fund research on neurodevelopmental disorders. Eighteen agencies in seventeen countries from the European Res